Part seven

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Dark Angel(part 7)

"(Y/N)," Harry began, his voice a near whimper. "I-I was trying to protect you. I didn't want you to be scared."

"NOT BE SCARED?" you roared, throwing the blanket off of you. "Some of the biggest criminals in this country are trying to kill me! ME, HARRY! Do I not deserve to know that whenever I leave my house I'm being watched? That whenever I leave your side I'm at risk of being murdered?" A feeling growing of sickness twisted in all of the boys' stomachs. Harry felt awful that he had brought you into this; Zayn felt bad for his mate; and Niall couldn't stand to watch you in such a state, he knowing that all of your words, however angry they may sound, traced back to the terror you were feeling.

"I'm handling it-," Harry began but you cut him off.

"How many others have tried to 'handle' it, huh? How many of them are still alive?!" you said on the verge of near hysteria, tears building in your eyes as the full force of the situation began to hit you full on.

"There's a hit out on me," you muttered to yourself, a sob then escaping your mouth. "I'm going to die. Oh my-I'm going to die aren't I, Haz?! They're going to kill me!" Your feet made their way to swing out from under the covers and rest on the cool floor, you're eyes darting every which way as you frantically looked over the room, mere shadows making you flinch. You jumped up, not even aware of the tearing in your side, all attention focused on the danger that was seeking you, calling your name.

"They're coming for me," you gasped, gaze locking on the doorway, now seemingly the only way to escape. You dashed for the entrance, at the last second an arm wrapping around your upper body. It wasn't as well muscled as Harry, but the touch was comforting as well as restraining.

"L-let me go! I have to leave! They're going to k-kill me!" you sobbed, wearily pulling against his hold. While still completely aware of Harry's observation, he leaned in, placing his lips right beside your ear, his breath making you shudder.

"You're hurting yourself, love," he breathed, eyeing the growing red patch on your side. "You have every right to be scared right now and I understand that this is difficult...but you have to calm down. For your sake and Harry's." You thrashed and Harry let a hand rest on the bottom half of his face, unable to take the fact that HE was the reason for your pain. HE was the reason you were in this state.

"I want the pain to stop!" you begged Niall in desperate sobs; another stab through Harry's heart. "I'm tired of all the fear and pain! I-I just want it to stop!" Your body turned in the Irish lad's hold, face burying into his tank top and hands desperately grasping his back. In that moment as you broke down in his best mate's arms, Harry knew what he had to do. Zayn locked gazes with him, pleading with him not to do this, to find some other way...but his mind was set.

'I'm sorry,' he mouthed, a lonesome tear slipping down his cheek as he quietly padded towards the door.

"Harry?" you croaked, trembling slightly as you caught sight of him leaving. "What are you doing?" A lump caught in his throat and he bit his lip, stepping over to caress your cheek.

"I love you, my beautiful angel," he whispered, pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead. "...and that's why I have to do this..." Your heart skipped a beat at his almost parting words, hands clutching onto his clothing as he attempted to step away.

"Niall, I'm trusting you to watch after her, mate," he said quietly, his hands gripping your wrists and tugging you off of him. "Keep her safe."

"HAZ!? What are you doing?!" you screamed. "You said you would never leave me!" That made him pause, emerald eyes pained as he gave you a small shake of the head.

"No, my love. I told you I would keep you safe," he said softly. "And if that involves me leaving, then that's what I have to do...Niall, hold her, please." Arms wrapped around you, carefully avoiding your hip as Harry pulled away from you, walking towards the doorway. You thrashed and screamed, cursed and cried, wanting him to turn around and laugh, saying it was all just one big joke...but not a glance was spared your way as he strode out, curls hiding his tear stained face. He pulled the gun out from the waistband of his pants, eyes pinching shut as he heard your desperate screams pleading for him not to leave you.

You would get over it eventually. You'd find a good guy, settle down, and live a happy life; Harry a thing of the past. With that small reassurance that you'd be alright, he switched off the safety of the weapon, throwing up his hood and trying to hold back the frightened sob in his throat. He didn't want it to come to this, but he had brought you into this life and he was responsible for your well-being; he loved you.

"I love her," he said softly to himself, shakily raising the gun. His normally steady hand was trembling with such great movements that the barrel shook from side to side dangerously, his sweaty finger curling around the trigger.

He knew what had to be done for her to be safe, to be able to live a relatively normal life and that was exactly what he was going to do.



Authors Note: 

Hello lovelies how are we all? I hope you are enjoying this story :) 

please remember to Follow/Vote and Commment thankyouu x

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