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                 "No, get away! Get away!" Fira's panicking voice echoed through the dark forest. She was running for her life; her heart was literally pounding in her ears, she would fall, get scrapes, and bruises. She couldn't let them catch her; she had to find a way of escape, or would die right there and then. Never has she ever felt fear like this before in her life. She ran straight off a cliff into a dark void screaming as she went.

            Fira woke up gasping for air, her heart was racing, and a pair of eyes were looking into her window staring. "Waaa!" Fira fell out of the bed onto the wooden floor taking the blankets with her. She stood up and unwrinkled her clothes to see who was looking through the window. The pair of eyes were gone, just the forest, and the moon shown through. Fira grabbed her blanket, a pillow, and her slippers. She went up stairs to a guest room with no windows and put her things onto the vacant bed.

                She walked out of the room, and then tiptoed to her aunt’s room to check on her. When she opened the door her aunt was sound asleep, nothing out of the ordinary as usual. She silently closed the door as not to wake her aunt up. “I still am confused by everything happening. First Daniel shows up and turns out to have wings. Then strange wolves attack me. Next a pair of eyes stares at me through my window. I’m scared of all this and greatly confused,” a tear runs down Firas cheek. She tries rubbing it away, but more come and she can’t stop.

                Daniel hears sniffles coming from the hall outside his guest room. He gets up, walks to the door, opens it, and finds a crying Fira in the hallway. She crouched onto the floor in a ball sobbing when he sits by her. He places a hand on her shoulder, she looks up with a tear stained face. She hugs him still crying and sobbing getting his shirt wet.

                Daniel pats her head in comfort, “It’s okay, I’m here,” he whispers to her.

                “I don’t understand, what is happening around here?” she asked hoping for some kind of answer, but didn’t receive one. She stopped crying after awhile and rubbed her eyes dry. She was embarrassed seeing Daniels tear stained shirt. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me,” Fira apologized to him looking at the floor.

                “Its fine, you’re most likely confused and all that emotion was bottled up that it came out in tears,” Daniel tried comforting her embarrassment. She covered her mouth from a yawn stood up. She about toppled over, but Daniel stopped her from doing so. He escorted her back to the room she had gone to after seeing something in her window. Daniel said goodnight before closing the door. He went back to his room to sleep the rest the night.   

               By morning Fira crawled out of bed still tired from last night’s events. She dragged her things back to her room unaware what was waiting for her. As she opened her door something or someone pulled her in and slammed the door shut. A hand clasped around her mouth preventing her from screaming. “Now now, be quiet or you’ll regret it,” a dark ominous voice spoke to her. She almost began to cry again.

Daniel heard a door slam and jolted up right; something was wrong. He raced out of his room and down the stair to where the noise came from. He burst through into Fira’s room just to see her carried away by a tall man with pitch black colored hair, wearing some sort of cape, and carrying a gun. He laughed before jumping out of the window and into the forest. Daniel cursed at himself for not realizing sooner. He quickly went back upstairs, tossed on his coat, and grabbed his sword before chasing after Firas captor.

“Hey hold up what’s the rush?” Sam asked the speeding Daniel.

Daniel stopped for a second and rushed a reply, “Firas been kidnapped by someone, if you want to help then grab something and follow me.” Daniel took off again into the forest.

“Hey wait up!” Daniel grabbed a hammer from the tool shed outside and raced after him. He couldn’t let this happen, not after her losing her family. He dodged tree branches as he followed Daniel. Both of them heard a high pitched scream coming from ahead. They both broke into a frantic run to where the scream came from.

“Be quiet you little pest or I’ll break your arm,” Fira squirmed out of his grasp then tried kicking him in the stomach.  He grabbed her leg and shoved her onto the dirt ground. She groaned in pain as her arm felt out of place. She hugged at her arm while getting onto her knees.

“What do you want with me and who are you?” Fira asked the man who loomed over her. He laughed at the question as if it were nothing to be said. She scowled at him in anger.

“My intentions with you are of no importance, but my name is Riegel,” he responded still smiling even at her scowl. At that point Daniel and Sam burst into the clearing. Riegel pulled out his gun and pointed it at them. Daniel got in a fighting position along with Sam, both with anger flashing in their eyes. At that moment Fira’s instincts took over her legs and began to run out of the clearing. It was just like in her dream, but something was different. She couldn’t quit place it, something was out of place or just missing.

               She continuously ran, her breathing was short and would hurt her lungs to breathe whenever she slowed down. The forest seemed endless, she couldn’t tell which way she had come from, but none the less, Fira kept running. She didn’t know which way to turn or go, but straight. Fira ran into another clearing at the edge of a cliff. She was able to stop, before plunging off, falling 2,000 feet below.

          She looked over the edge and backed up until she was against a tree. She gasped for air; sweat was beading down her face and made her hair stick to her neck and face. In all of this she could barely see anything from forgetting her glasses. She had to strain her eyes to even make out an object. A branch snapped making her alert and tried to look at what was there. Three people stood there looking back at her.

            They whispered something to each other before one of them started to approach Fira. She panicked again. She began to back up to the side of the cliff. When her foot almost went over the edge she stopped, both her hands were clutching her shirt; she took a deep breath, and then jumped off.

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