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             Ruby stood waiting for the twins to come back with her prey. She was standing in the middle of the forest near a stream that ran from there to the cabin to provide water and electricity. Ruby heard a loud roaring sound as two dragons, one white with black eyes and a white slit as the pupil, and the other black with white eyes and black slit. They were carrying a man who looked frightened and was shaking in fear. The dragons dropped him onto the ground and each shifted back into the twins.

            “Please, what do you want with me?” the man asked looking terrified. His trembling hands shaking as he reached out. “I’ll give you money, my job, anything, just don’t hurt me and my family please!” he cried out pleading. Ruby just grinned and showed her pointed teeth.

She walked over, picked him up, and whispered, “We won’t hurt your family, but you’re very unlucky.”

Fira woke up to the sound of thunder and rain outside; therefore she was going to get up to check on her aunt, but then remembered where she was. She stood up anyways and placed her glasses back on. While looking around in the dark she heard snoring in another room. Quietly Fira tiptoed over to the door and peered inside to see a sleeping Luke and Nathan. She smiled before shutting the door and going back over to her bed.

Fira listened to the howling wind and it made chills run down her spine. She remembered the twins and Ruby, Fira got up once again to see if they were in a separate room than the guys. As she stumbled around in the dark she came to window and looked out. She saw rain starting to fall with the wind making it slosh against the window. Fira could make out another shack in the dark and wondered if Ruby and the twins were sleeping over there.

Lighting just then lit up the sky making Fira jump back and scramble over a woolen rug. She got up just to fall down again by the loud clap of thunder. She half skipped half walked to the bed and covered herself in blankets to block out the noise. She stared at the window as flashes of lighting brightened the room now and then. She finally fell asleep after a while when the thunder and lightning ceased.

Morning came just as quickly as the storm did; Fira stretched and stood up yawning loudly. She wondered where she could get something to eat and how would she return home. Luke was the first to great her with a warm smile, then Nathan with a wave, next the twins walked in without Ruby, and she looked at the group. “So is there anything to eat around here?” Fira asked them. She looked as they exchanged glances and laughed at the question.

“You’re kidding right?” Luke questioned in between laughter. Nathan had to hold onto Luke’s shoulder to keep from falling over. The twins covered their mouths from giggling so much. Fira was confused and wondered why they were all laughing?

“Um, did I say something funny?” Fira asked. Soon the room went quiet, an uneasy feeling settled down on them. “What, what did I say? Really, I’m greatly confused when I asked if there’s something to eat,” Fira stated still dazed.

Luke opened his mouth, but shut it quickly as if he changed his mind about saying anything. Nathan also wanted to explain, but it was left up to the twins, they even didn’t say anything.

 sorry for the long wait....x(

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