Chapter 1- Beginning Memories

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I sit there on my window seal waiting for my parents dark gray Honda Odyssey to drive out of the driveway, and onto the street. After my mom, April, goes in 20 more times to grab stuff she forgot, they finally left the neighborhood. For good. "Alex!"  I look back down at the empty driveway, my fire ombré dyed hair covered the sides of my vision. Almost like curtains at a play. I hear about 10 feet stomping up stairs and into my room. The door swings open and Alex, my 7 year-old brother, walks in with my black Malinois, Pistol, by his side. Waging his long tail viciously.

"What do you need big sis?" Alex asked confidently. He has his knuckles on his hips, and his chest out, like he's a brave knight or something. His bushy black hair twists and turns with the movement he made to get in his knightly position.

"Can you hold down the fort while I hunt?"

"Yea! No problem! Do you want me too get you more ammo? Or make you lunch on the go!"

"No. You know you can't touch mine or Michel's weapons." Alex looked puzzled.

"Why do you call dad by his real name?" I lower my head, and suck back the tears.

"Because, Michel's not my dad, he's my step-dad. And you call him dad because he's your real dad, and Mom's our real mom." He loses his knight impression, and looks confused, but also sad. He is sympathetic, but he doesn't understand losing the real dad you love. "Look, I'll make the lunch, just...don't make a huge mess, and tell me when-"

"When mom and dad are coming home I know I know!" I look at him, probably bug eyed in shock. I start to walk past him when he blocks the door way from me. "Hey!"

"No! I'll make the lunch! Plus, you'll probably burn it again!" He smiles. I smile back and pat him on the head with my black ringed hand. I walk past him and Pistol sits and barks. I turn around. I smirk nicely.

"Of course I didn't forget you bud!" I walk over to him, and scratch behind his ear. He loves that. He barks again. This time, more happier. We all walk down satires and Alex hands me a brown bag with my lunch in it.

"Don't almost get killed again!" My smile turns to a frown.

"Stop acting like mom." I turn around, making sure my hair whips him in the face, and open the secret door under the rug. I climb down the ladder and walk over to the safe. I open it. 293561. I grab the black pistol and a extra pack of bullets. I put it in my black backpack. Along with the lunch. And close, lock it, and go back up to my house.

I walk over to the front door and unlock it. "Be safe."

"Got it!" I walk out the door, and to the nearby woods. I shot a few shots at rabbits and birds. I saw a couple deer but I can't bring that home. Mom would kill me. But rabbits and bunnies are fine. I sit on a log and open my lunch bag. I unwrap a long, fat tube. A sandwich. I open the top bun to see what's in it. Ham, turkey, lettuce, pickles, extra mayo, meat balls, and bacon. My meat lovers, as I call it. I take my first bite. The smell of all of theses things together makes my smile from ear to ear. I love Alex's cooking, he's amazing at it.

I hear a branch crack. I look in front of me. A huge black bear is about 20 feet away from me. He raises his head and smells the air. He smells my sandwich. His head turns to face me. My eyes widen. I hate bears. My real father died by a bear, while he was hunting. Mom banned me from hunting after that. But I still do it. I stare into his black eyes. He does the same to my brown eyes. I get up slowly and pick up my gun. He jumps. I raise my gun and shoot.

He's dead. But something is behind him. A person. "Hello are you ok?" I take a few steps toward them. It's a female, with long blond hair, and a red dress on, with sandals. she looks exhausted, "Do you need help? I can give you a warm bed to sleep in?" She faces me. Her mouth is soaked with dark red blood. She starts to walk towards me, and limps as she does. She took 5 slow steps before tripping over her long dress. "Oh my god! Are you alright miss?" I run over to her and kneel down. "Are you alright-" I can see her face more clearly now. Her teeth are as yellow as sand, and her eyes were covered with a white blanket. The veins have become more intense, and the red infected the rims of her eyeballs. There are huge circle under eyes. I scream and jump back, my gun flinging out of my hand. She hissed and grabbed my leg. She tried to put her mouth to my leg, but my other foot was pushing her head back, I wasn't strong enough to push her off of me. I swung my hand out to reach for my gun. "Please stop please!" I yell, but she doesn't listen. I finally grab my gun and shoot her in the head. Her blood splats all over my forest green shirt, and my nude face. Her body falls to the ground and doesn't get back up. I just shot someone. I stand up trembling, grab my lunch, backpack, and walk home.

I walk though the door, ignoring my brothers questions, and walk to the bathroom. I stare at myself in the mirror. I-I just shot someone. I think to myself. Who was that, that I killed. What was that.

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