It's Not As Easy As It Looks

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  • Dedicated to Rick Riordan


Piper groaned. That was the fourth time Hope had woken her up crying. And Jason was away, so he wasn't able to help. She heaved herself out of bed and staggered over to Hope's cot. The minute the baby saw her she would stop crying, yet the minute Piper went away the baby started crying again. 

It had been six months since Piper had had Hope, and ever since Hope had come out of the newborn phase, she had been crying non stop.

"Shh, please Hope, go to sleep, shh." Piper pleaded with the infant. The baby soon stopped crying, and fell asleep quickly. However, Piper knew better than that. The minute Piper made one steo towards the baby's cot, she started crying. 

"Hope, PLEASE! I haven't slept in weeks, I'm tired, I'm hungry, please just SHUT UP! Piper finally snapped.  

Piper put Hope down in her cot and then sank down to the floor next to it. She put her head in her hands and cried silently.


The next morning, Annabeth and Hazel found Piper there, curled up in a ball with tear tracks staining her face. When they shook her awake, Piper insisted that she had not been crying, but Annabeth knew better. 

After Hazel had left, Annabeth questioned Piper, but Piper gave up no information. She just said that Hope was a little upset last night, but she was fine now. Annabeth left Piper, feeling skeptical.

The minute Annabeth shut the door Hope woke up and started crying again. Piper covered her ears and threw herself onto the sofa and started crying once more.


When Jason arrived back he found Piper there, on the sofa, crying silently. He ran over to her and pulled her into a sitting position and hugged her while she cried silently to herself. 

When Jason asked why Piper was crying, she said nothing, except that she was being silly and was just being overly emotional. Jason accepted this quietly, not wanting to realize the actual truth, and would rather swallow her lie than find out what the real problem was.

Piper was glad. She didn’t want Jason to think she couldn’t cope, when she could, she’d just had a bad night without Jason here. Everything would go back to normal once Jason was done with having to go away.

She hoped.

That is the end of the first chapter (hope you enjoyed it) and the second chapter will be up before the end of this week for all of you who want the next one! If anyone wants to post any ideas for how the story should go, what the climax, anti-climax etc etc, should be then message me or post on my profile. If there are any questions you have about this story ask too! Georgie xoxo. J

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