Chapter 2

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Annabeth was worried. Piper had seemed so distant and edgy when she had seen her this morning. More than that, she had been crying… a lot.

Annabeth could tell.

Was Piper coping? Annabeth wasn’t sure. Piper had had so much to deal with these past few months, what with having a new baby, and her Jason being split up for some reason that Annabeth can’t seem to remember. She must be struggling a lot.

Annabeth contemplated that before she came to the decision that she would see Piper today at lunch. Then, she would tackle her.

Knock Knock Knock.

That was the 3rd time Annabeth had knocked with no reply. She was just about to knock again when the door swung open and Piper looked at her. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she had something down her shirt and her hair was an absolute mess.

“Sorry, Annabeth, I’m just trying to give Hope her lunch, but she seems to be in a bad mood.” Piper said hurriedly. Annabeth had to listen carefully to catch it all.

“Anyway, was there something you wanted?” Piper tried for a weak smile, but it didn’t cover up the fact that Piper was upset.

“Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to have lunch together? We could bring Hope, and go to a little café in New Rome/Greece?”

When Annabeth had finished, Piper looked so relieved, and agreed instantly. It took just a few minutes for Piper to clean herself and Hope up. Then, with Hope in her pram, they went out.

Annabeth looked at Piper sitting there in the sunlight, with a smile on her face, yet there was some underlying tension in her eyes.

Annabeth looked down at her hot chocolate.

“So, um, where’s Jason?” Annabeth asked tentatively

Piper spoke without looking away from the sun.

“He’s with Leo, working on something or the other.”

Piper made no attempt to mask her annoyance.

“I wish Jason would start thinking about his family. I mean, you and Percy don’t have any kids and you spend more time together than Jason and me! I think Jason needs to start putting his family first.” Piper muttered

“Piper, Jason is busy… if you’re struggling, or can’t cope with Hope, then all you have to do is-”

But Piper cut her off.

“I can cope Annabeth, OK? Don’t even think about suggesting that I’m a bad mother.”

“I’m not, Pipes, I’m just saying that if you need help there’s nothing wrong with asking-“

“I do not, need help, Annabeth, I’m fine.

“Really? Because honestly Piper, I don’t believe you. You were crying this morning when me and Hazel found you-“

“I was not crying-“

‘And now you’re getting all defensive as if you’ve got something to hide! So tell me Piper, do you really think you are managing well with Hope?”

Piper and Annabeth stared at each other angrily for a few seconds before Piper got up, grabbed Hope’s pram, and strode off angrily.

The waiter stared after her.

“What’s the matter with Piper?” he asked.

Annabeth looked at him.

Then she muttered, “Mind your own business.”

That’s it for the second chapter for all of you! I’m going to start working on the third next week or possibly the week after! Hope you enjoy this chapter!!!!!! Go HOO + PJ!!!!!!!!! Georgie xoxo.

Heroes of Olympus - After Giant War Piper Struggles With MotherhoodWhere stories live. Discover now