Chapter 4

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"I'm leaving now Pipes, I'll be back around 7 OK?" Jason said hesitantly.

'No, not okay.' Piper thought grumpily. Yet, instead of saying these words she says brightly, "Sure, have fun today! Enjoy yourself!'

"Are you sure? I could take the day off...?"

"Jason, I'm fine. Go quickly or you'll be late."

"OK, OK. Just don't forget you've got that water bill to pay in today."

"I remember! Now go, or else I'll get mad and have a fit."

Jason turned his face into a mask of mock horror. "Please, not a fit!" He shuddered.

Piper forced a happy smile. "Go on, lightning boy. Get out of here." Jason gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, and then he was gone. 

Leaving Piper all on her own, looking after Hope.

*3 Hours Later*

Piper sat on the sofa with her head in her hands, crying. Her eyes were puffy and bloodshot, which wasn't normal for a child of Aphrodite, but she'd been crying for so long that no power of Aphrodite could control this.

Piper didn't know what to do! At least she could rely on the fact that Jason would be home in a couple of hours. Then he would take over.

Just then, Piper's phone rang. The whole thing was coated in celestial bronze so as to stop the thing from attracting monsters. It was a new invention the children of Minerva and Athena had come up with.

Piper picked it up wearily and answered.

"Hello?" She groaned into the receiver.

"Hi Piper, it's Jason asking if you'd payed in that bill yet?"

Uh oh. Piper'd forgotten.

"Um, yes, of course I have! My brain isn't totally fried!" she lied. What can she do?

"Are you OK? You sound tired."

"I'm fine, bye Jason!"

"Uh, bye?" he said uncertainly.

Piper hung up and tried to think quickly. She had to drop off that check, soon. Yet what about Hope? She's asleep now, and she'd have to wake her up to take her too! Unless...

Piper went over to Hope's cot and looked over at the sleeping, peaceful baby. Piper would be quick, she wouldn't really wake up would she...?

Not thinking straight, Piper quickly grabbed her jacket off the hook and the bill off the countertop. She paused, and looked back at Hope. So peaceful, and calm.

Not hesitating a moment longer, Piper opened the door quietly, and snuck out the house.

*Line Break*

'Why did the queue have to be so long!' Piper thought desperatley. She'd been waiting for nearly an hour and Jason was back in half that time.

'Finally!' Piper thought after 20 more minutes of waiting. Quick as a flash, she payed the bill and ran out the bank door. 

She had 10 minutes to get home or else Jason would get back and see she was gone. So, not really thinking straight, Piper dashed through the streets of New Rome/New Greece. 

Just as Piper got to the front of the house, she saw Jason opening the front door.

"Oh gods, no!' she screamed inside her head. Making sure no one was watching, she ran round the back of the house and flung the back gate open. She quickly took the washing off the line, just to make it look like she'd gone out there to do that.

"Piper? Piper?" Jason called through the house.

Piper suddenly appeared behind him.

"Shhh, you'll wake Hope up." She scolded him.

"Sorry!" he grinned. "Why are you wearing a coat?"

"Umm, it looked like it was going to rain, so I just went out to bring these in." She held up the clothes as evidence.

"Oh, okay. Has she been OK?" 

"Good as gold." Piper's voice had the seal of promise in it. However, it you listened extremley carefully, there was a trace of doubt in it.

However, Jason seemed not to notice it, and that was good. At least for Piper.

"I'll look after her now. You go have a rest." Jason nudged Piper slightly towards the bedroom door. She went in without a moments hesitation, too tired and too guilty to care about anything else.

*Line Break*

It was dark in Piper's dreams that evening. Almost as if it was sensing the trouble heading towards Piper. For little did she know, that there was someone, a little 12 year old girl, who had a thirst for trouble.

And another thing that Piper did not know, at least not yet, was that this little girl had seen everything.

Ooooooo, very dramatic! I thought I'd better make this one interesting to make up for not updating in such a long time!!!!! Sorry about that!!!!! Anyways, lets hope this tides you over for a week or so!!!! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!!!!!!! Comment and fan, and vote too!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2013 ⏰

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