Never Enough Time

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America's POV~
I drove down the road, the ring in my pocket. Why did I have a ring? Well, I was going to propose to my girlfriend, (y/n)! We've been dating for four years now, and today is our anniversary, you know, the day we first started dating? Yeah, that was possibly the best day of my life. 

I'll admit, I'm a little scared. But, I got that all planned ahead of time! I recorded a disc, which has my proposal on it! This is going to be great!

Suddenly, a truck came speeding towards me. I tried to swerve out of the way, but I got hit. All I felt was a ton of pain, and then all went black.

Reader's POV~
"Where is he?" I asked no one as I sat in my living room. Me and my boyfriend, Alfred F. Jones, were going on a date for our fourth anniversary. But he's late. He should have been here about twenty minutes ago. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Yeah, that's all.

I'll just wait a few more minutes....Then I'll call him. Yeah, I'll do that. 

Just as I finished thinking, my phone began ringing. Ah, that's probably Alfred, right? I hurried to the pone and picked up. Though the one who answered wasn't Alfred.

"Hello? Are you Miss (l/n)? This is the hospital. Your boyfriend, Alfred F. Jones, was caught in a car accident. He is currently in emergency care. It is advised you come immediately."

"A-alright. I'm coming," I said, and then I ran to my car and began driving.

Timeskip from McDonald's~

I arrived at the hospital, and hurried to the front desk.

"Hello, I'm (y/n) (l/n), and-"

"You're here to see your boyfriend, correct? He's in room (random number)."

I thanked the receptionist, and then hurried off to the room.


I arrived at the room just as the doctor was coming out. 

"Is he...?" I asked, and the doctor looked at me.

Please let him be okay....Please!

"I regret to inform you that your boyfriend has passed. He did, however, left you something. I am deeply sorry for your loss," the doctor said, handing me a disc and a small package.

I was petrified. I can't believe it. He's dead. Alfie's dead. He can't be dead. 


It's been about an hour or so since Alfie's death and me leaving the hospital, and I haven't touched either the disc or the package. Finally, I decided to give the disc a listen to. I popped the disc into the CD player(IDK HOW THESE THINGS WORK), and listened.

Hey dudette! So, as you know, today is our fourth anniversary, and so, I wanted to plan something special for it! But still, four years! Wow! Anyway, so, I finally got the guts to ask you something very important. Well, if I did, I'd be asking in person and not recording this on a disc to play for you to hear, but I'm getting off topic here! So, the question is......will you marry me?

I gasped, and I literally felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. He was going to propose? So, that means...I picked up the package and opened it, finding a ring inside...

I broke down crying at that moment. I took the ring out of the package and put it on.

"Yes, I will marry you, Alfred F. Jones," I choked out, finally letting my tears get the best of me.

Third Person POV~
Exactly one year later on that date, another grave joined Alfred's.


And up there, in the stars, the two finally got their wedding.

Well now. I feel like a horrible person.

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