Chapter 1: Accident

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Now, the people in this story isn't based on real people, including myself
And this is also first book so don't be 'hatin' on it plzz.

Sweat is poured down the faces of the members of the Seirin High school basketball team as they rush to the local hospital to check on their 'ace' Kagami Taiga' because Riko Aida(their coach) told them that kagami was in a accident just earlier today. As soon as the team heard these news, they rushed to the hospital, running as fast as their could.

After a half a hour to like 45 minutes of running, they reached the hospital. "Where is Kagami Taiga being hospitalized" said Hyūga Junpei, a second year student, average height and physique, wears glasses, has short black hair and narrow eyes.

"Are u his parents or guardians?" replied the desk clerk, a quite thick African-American woman, kinda short, around 5"5, wearing a blue shirt and white skirt and wore a black shoes to match her black earrings.

"Does he EVEN live with Guardians?"
Said Furihata Kōki

"Listen please miss.........' hyuga started.

" Cassandra " she finished.

"Yeah, can u please help us , he's a crucial member of our basketball team, so PLEASE let us talk to him" he begged.

"fine, but only two of you could go" the clerk responded.

"it should be you, captain, and kuroko, his closest friend" popped Kiyoshi teppei, a very tall man half-length brown hair that frames his dark eyes, thick eyebrows and possess quite large hands.

"thank you kiyoshi-senpai" said kuroko, a fragile looking pale person which isn't seen as a basketball player, light blue hair that styles to the left along with blue eyes which tends to have a blank gaze, as he and hyuga follow the clerk to where he is being hospitalized.

"You've got 15 minutes with him " said ms. Cassandra as hyuga and kuroko approaches a large white door with cracks and holes all around it as if it was there for God knows how long.

In the room is a A tall individual, just a smudge shorter than Kiyoshi, lying down in a bed, has a 2 toned deep red-and-black hair and eyes, red in colour, are pointed and narrow along with quite thick eyebrows and split in two. He also has a shiny metal necklace with a ring on it.

"Why are u here? " he startled.

" to check on you" kuroko responded.

"well I'm here, what you want", he responded.

" to ask when you'll be able to come back training, the winter cup is starting in a few months and we need our ace if we're going to win it again" spoke hyuga, out of nowhere.

"well, I hate to say it, but, I won't be playing this winter cup', he continued, 'the doctor said that I'll be out for most of tournament".

Both kuroko and hyuga jumped out of their slouching posture as if their were woken up by an alarm.

" well, that's disappointing, now that some of the big teams, like 'Kaijo' and 'shutoku' got even more of the 'mvps of middle school'
and Riko told me that we have been picked to be apart of an exchange program with some schools around the world and, coincidentally, most of them are top class basketballers", hyuga pointed out.

"well, I might be ready for the finals', kagami said, ' that is if you make it there, ".

"Kagami! This is madness,' kuroko pointed out,' You're one of the best players in Japan how can you say that, we'll be destroyed".

" We might as well pray that we get someone who can become our temporary ace while you're injured" hyuga said as he spoke.

"well I don't know what to say" kagami ended.

Soon after Ms.Cassandra came to escorts kuroko and hyuga out of the room.

"Kuroko! ' Kagami shouted, kuroko stopped walking and stood in front of the door,' win". After that kuroko went back on walking with hyuga and the desk clerk back to the rest of team, wondering about how they are going to even fulfill the promise that they made with kagami.

This is the end of the first chapter to my first book. I hope that you guys like it. Message what you would like to see happen in the next coming chapters.

Don't worry chapter 2 will be coming out soon.

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