Master Lincoln

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Me and Raven were working on the railroad tracks. We were there for 3 days without sleep, I just then began to get angry, but Raven shushes me. I look over to my left and Master Lincoln was standing there with his wife, Snow White.
"I thought I told you to build the railroads" He said in a husky tone.
"That's what we are doing " I said almost crying
"That's not what it looks like" He said annoyed
"We've been doing this for three days" I almost yelled.
He looked straight at me. Raven continued to make the railroad tracks. Master Lincoln started to take off his belt and began to hit me, saying
"Now watch me whip, whip"
Then all the horses were jumping singing
"Now watch me neigh, neigh"
I began to bleed all over the place as Snow White was starting to enter back into the white house.

Master Lincoln finished whipping me and got distracted by a horse that ran away. He ran after him. Snow White came out of the white house and also ran after them.
Raven helped me clean up.
"We need to think of a way to run away" He said terrified.
"You think?!" I yelled.
"Right now, while their distracted" he said very seriously
"Ok" I nodded.

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