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Nialls p.o.v

After what happened with Harry the other day I haven't really been my self. I've been ignoring Gemma. I can't even look at her, because when I do I feel so terrible about what I did. Gemma doesn't deserve me, she deserves someone who is loyal and someone who dose not lie to her. I had sex with her brother. What kind of boyfriend does that? And I'm not even gay what the hell.

I was sitting on the couch thinking about what I did when I felt my phone vibrate from the other side of the couch. I reached over to see who had texted me. It was Gemma

Hey, my mom's throwing another family party and we need to be there. I'll call you when I am on my way.

I signed as I read the text over and over again, looking over the words each time. I chucked my phone and watched it as it fell to the ground.

I don't really want to go anywhere, I kinda just want to lay in bed all day and sleep. If i go to this 'family party' that means I'll have to face Harry, and I don't really want to see him or talk to him.

This is a really short and shitty chapter but I had to update

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