Chapter 3 - Watch Your Tongue With Me.

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Chapter Three - Watch Your Tongue With Me.

Derek walked back into the house, following Scott. Vanessa was at him, "Are you okay? He scratched you!"

"It's okay Vanessa I'll heal, he clawed me it's fine. I'm fine. Everything is fine," grumbled Scott. He did get tired of Vanessa's need to overprotect him. 

"How do you know you could get infected!" cried Vanessa.

"All it was, was a claw mark to say he's still in my pack. He accepted it, he could've fought me off," spoke Derek, for the first directly to her. His voice was soaked with venom. 

"You were hugging him! You're bigger than him!" growled Vanessa.

"Are you saying your fiance is weak? You saw him ram me into the wall, and he's weak?" snapped Derek. God this bitch was stupid, he thought. 

"He couldn't fight you off!" growled Vanessa. 

"He can and he has time and time before. He's not human, lady remember?" growled Derek. 

He slumped down on the couch next to Scott, and Stiles. 

Vanessa stormed off, and Scott mumbled a sorry about her and fell asleep as he was really tired. His head ended up on Derek's shoulder which go Vanessa going when she came back.

"Look, little girl. I will watch very closely about what you say to me, in the next fifteen minutes. Because I, myself, am getting very, very angry!" snapped Derek. 

Vanessa was trying to get Derek to move, and he said if he moves Scott will attack. He knows this because it's happened before. Vanessa slumped to the floor.

"I know you're scared of me, have no idea why though," muttered Derek. Isaac chuckled.

"What?" immediately prodded Derek.

"She's jealous, of you. She doesn't think Scott would hug a normal male..." laughed Isaac.

"I'm not any normal male, I'm his...alpha," said Derek playing it safe for Scott's sake.


Next time:

Derek kisses Scott...who sees? Vanessa? Vanessa's Parents?

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