Chapter 1

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*Kellie’s POV*


“Sweetie as much as I want to keep you, you have to live with your aunt until you change. It’s not safe here. Do you know how many rogue vampires want to kill werewolves that have not changed?” she asked looking into my eyes I shook my head.

“Good because your only 11! The rest of the parents are keeping their wolves because they can protect them. I’m not a wolf so I cannot, and your father has passed away so this is the better way to go,” she gave me a kiss on the head and helped me pack.

            “Hey ya little ugly runt it’s sad to see you go,” Noah pretended to pout.

“Stop being mean to me one day I’ll be beautiful and you’ll regret ever saying that,” I snapped and started crying. My aunt arrived and I said my goodbyes and left.

*End Flashback*

            That was 6 years ago. I was a tom boy and not that pretty. I had blonde wavy hair, green eyes, and a gap between my teeth that everyone made fun of. The boys treated me like dirt or another boy. I moved with my aunt because my mom could not protect me from the rogue vampires. I shifted for the first time last week. Yeah I’m a werewolf. I’m a pure white one which is very rare for wolves to be white. You only can be an alpha to have it and I do have alpha blood. Being white means you have a gift. You get this gift when you turn 18. I’m 17 so I’m clueless as to what my gift is.

            I couldn’t wait to get back and see all their faces. I had gotten braces with my aunt. She taught me fashion and makeup. I loved it. Now I was like a super model and everyone loved me. I can’t wait to see Noah’s expression. I was slim, had tan silky skin, blonde hair that was naturally soft curls, green eyes, a belly button piercing, long dark eyelashes, long killer legs, and I’m 5’8”. Mwuahaha I seriously cannot wait to see his face. I unpacked the rest of my room, gave my mom a goodnight kiss, and went to sleep.

“Kellie! Get your butt up! You are not going to be late for your first day of school,” my mom ripped the blankets from my body. I groaned as the blinds fluttered open letting in the morning sunshine. Don’t get me wrong I love the sunshine, but I’m NOT a morning person.

“Oh yeah and by the way the pack has arranged a small party due to your return, I’ll take you when you get off school,” my mom left in a hurry because she has to get to work. She’s a lawyer at the law office she owns. I trudged out of bed to look in my vanity mirrors. My blonde hair was in its natural soft waves around my face. My green eyes looked swollen shut, but that will go away when I take my shower. I sighed and walked to the bathroom. I took a short hot shower that relaxed my tight muscles. After running for 5 hours last night in wolf form they were a little sore.

            I got out and wrapped a towel around me. I scurried to my room hoping my brother wouldn’t see. I shut and locked my door and slumped against it. What am I going to wear? I went to my closet and decided to put on some light wash short shorts with a rip in it, a one shoulder black shirt, and some black ankle boots. I touched up my natural curls a little, and put some makeup on my tan skin. I rolled some lip gloss on my lips and was done. I smiled at my reflection and headed off to school. I drove in my yellow mustang that I am in love with.

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