Chapter 13 - Your Tears Don't Fall, They Crash Around Me

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I opened my eyes groggily as the sound of my alarm clock beated at my eardrums. It was the sound I came to hate the most, just because it reminded me that another week full of school work was ahead of me. I just couldn't be bothered for school anymore. Every aspect of it made me feel sick to my stomach. 

The bullying, the work, the time span, the people, the food, the ignorance of everybody in that frickin' place. I had no time for school anymore. I just couldn't wait for this year to be over so I could finally get out. If things went my way, this would be my last week of school ever. 

A girl can hope can't she? 

It's like from the moment we're able to walk and talk, we're sent off to a prison, or more likely; a concentration camp. We had no rights at school. We couldn't be ourselves simply because there's always got to be someone else in control of us and if, god forbid we be ourselves, then we get condemned for it. What a nice world we live in. 

But despite the fact that I had so much to rant about when it comes to school, it was just too early for this kind of talk. 

I groaned, hitting the top of the digital clock, sinking back down into the comfy sheets of my bed in the type of silence that made your ears ring. It was just too quiet in the morning where I lived. There were never any birds chirping until the sun decided to show itself, and right now, all I could see out of my window was black. Pitch black. 

"Rise and shine my little angel" I heard my Mum sing as she flicked the light on, breaking through the inarticulateness of the room, saturating the surroundings in her usual bubbly manner. I was never able to understand how she remained so blissful, even at the hardest of times. After everything my dad put her through, she obtained the youthful and cheerful person she had always been. No matter how much he tried to break her down, she remained unbroken. 

She was my hero.  

My eyes burned furiously in the blinding yellow light above me, refusing to open. I just couldn't find the will power to move. I wanted to wallow in my sorrows all day long like I had wanted to since Saturday afternoon when I left James'. At that moment, drowning myself in my sorrow seemed so much better than going to school where I'd be drowned in every other problem thinkable. 

I sat up in my bed, rubbing my eyes so they would finally focus properly. My room was a complete mess. What seemed like an ocean of boxes; that now had all my belongings spilling out of them; were scattered around from all the packing I had done yesterday, instead of the usual Sunday routine; hibernate all day, eat everything in sight, more sleep to try and forget about school tomorrow and then stay up all night snacking on anything I could get my hands on and messing around on my laptop because I just couldn't sleep any longer.  

Eventually I did give up on packing, escaping to the salvation of my bed to shut myself out from the world. I didn't check my phone once because I knew there would be millions of texts from the boys. I just couldn't handle confronting them right now. Though, I wasn't sure I would ever be. I was still heartbroken. And from past experiences, I know that it takes more than just time to heal a broken heart. I needed someone but since then, I had no one. 

"Do I have to go to school? I'm exhausted!" I moaned, just wincing at the impossible task of rummaging around my room for clothing of any type when I was this tired. 

She sat down on the corner of my bed as usual; cradling a cup of coffee in her hands. "Sweetie, you've got to face the boys sometime. You need to tell them, it's what they deserve" she advised me, little did she know just how badly they'd treated me. They didn't deserve me to tell them. If things went my way, one day I would just be gone or simply vanish out of their lives like I never existed. "Plus, we both know how much you love school..." she chuckled sarcastically, "But, it's your last week, enjoy it while you can" 

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