CHAPTER 2: Summer Fun

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"Mmmm.. Ahh~"

"Ngh... Italy."

"America! It's-a so big! Ahhh! It's-a really hard!"

"I know, I'm coming Italy!"

"Faster America! Nghh... Ahhhhh!!!"

"Ahhhh! Italy!"

"*pant* *pant* yay! We did it!"

"That took forever! Finally!"

"Ve~ We-a finally beat the boss! That guy was-a really hard!"

"Yeah! Thank goodness we're done now. Let's go get our bounty."


America and Italy were playing Borderlands and they finally defeated a boss. They'd been trying to defeat him for 2hrs when they finally completed the mission. They returned to the arid badlands and got their bounty and exp. America was so glad he defeated that boss on co-op with Italy. It was almost impossible to do it himself.

"Alright, what should we do now?" America looked at Italy asking him.

"Hmmm... We could-a go to the movies!"

"Yeah! I'll see what's playing!" America ran upstairs to get on his computer and see what movies were playing. Italy turned the XBOX off and sat looking around the room. He was startled when America's cat, Hero, jumped on the couch next to him. Italy pet the fluffy cat and it began to purr.

"You're-a so cute Hero~!" Italy started to purr and he was surprised that he could do that. Hero meowed at Italy and Italy smiled back.

"Hey Hero, do you-a like my cat ears and tail?"

Hero meowed and stated playing with Italy's tail. Italy would twitch his tail, move it around and sometimes bop Hero on the head with it. Hero would paw at Italy's tail and he was enjoying playing with Hero.

"This is-a fun!"

"What's fun?" America was back downstairs and watching Italy, smiling.

"Playing with Hero! He's-a so cute and he likes to-a play with my tail!"

"Hahaha! He does that with his favorite string toy! I just hope at night he doesn't decide to start playing with mine and start biting it or something."

"Haha! That would be-a funny!" Italy had a giant smile on his face and America blushed a little. "So-a, what movies were there?"

"Oh yeah! Well, there wasn't really anything good playing. Just a lot of kid movies. It's really nice outside though. Do you wanna go to the beach maybe?"

"Ve~! That would-a be fun! Wait... What about our cat ears and tail? People will-a noticed and be freaked out..."

"Don't worry dude! I got a private area on the beach, so we can go there!"

"Really?! Yay!"

Italy went and got in his swimming trunks. America was confused that Italy had his swimming trunks, but he just shrugged it off. They headed to the beach and when they got there Italy was amazed.

"It's-a so beautiful!"

"Haha, yup!"

America pulled over in the sand and got all their supplies out of his truck. He grabbed his surfboard and started putting wax on the surface. Italy grabbed a bucket and shovel and ran down the beach. America smiled and blushed watching Italy. Italy stopped and began to make a sand castle. His tail was twitching with happiness and America's was moving at a calm, happy pace. When America finished putting wax on his board, he headed toward the water. America was very good at surfing. He always tries to go against Australia, but Australia always wins. He didn't care though, because he was having fun.

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