CHAPTER 1: Accident

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A/N: I was drawing and playing with my cat when I thought of this story, so that's where this came from. I hope you enjoy!

It was another boring day at a world meeting. France and England were arguing about something, Spain and Romano were chatting with America and Canada, Germany was talking with his brother Prussia, and Japan was working on something with Greece. Italy was sitting contently watching them. He would laugh every once in awhile at France and England bickering. He got bored after awhile and started drawing in his sketchbook. He was doodling all the different types of pasta and when he finished his pasta he wanted to draw all the countries as cats. He didn't know why, but he did. He was thinking of which country to start on and he decided to draw himself first. He drew himself with cat ears and a tail. Italy started giggling, thinking he looked cute. He then drew the other countries like that and laughed to himself. "They-a all look so-a cute!" Italy said this louder than he intended and America walked up to him.

"Hey dude! What you up to?"

"Oh, hi America! I'm-a drawing everyone! Wanna see?"

"Sure man!"

Italy showed America his drawings and America smiled.

"Dude! These look awesome! You're really good at drawing!"


"Yeah! Wait... Where am I?"

"Oh! I-a was about to-a draw you when you-a came over! Do you-a want to-a pose, so I can-a draw you?"

"Heck yeah!" America struck a pose and Italy laughed. Italy started drawing America and started blushing. America saw this, but didn't think much of it. Italy was almost always blushing, so America didn't think it was out of the ordinary. It was for Italy though. Italy has a crush on America and America posing for him made him more flustered. He drew the basic shapes first then added the final shape and details. When he was finished he smiled at his work. Italy called America over and showed him the drawing.

"It looks exactly like me! You're so awesome Italy!"

"Ve~ Thank you-a so much!"

"No prob dude!" America smiled at Italy with his big grin and Italy started blushing more. Italy was about to put his book away when England grabbed it from him.

"What's this? These are very good."

"It's-a my sketchbook and thank you-a!"

"Why'd you draw all of us as part feline?"

"I-a just got bored."

France walked over to see what England was holding. He looked at the drawings and smirked.

"Honhonhon... I look very sexy." France wiggled his eyebrows toward England and England smacked him. Italy laughed and soon all the countries walked over to see the drawings of themselves. They all loved the drawings and asked Italy if they could have them. He agreed and gave each country the drawing of themselves. Italy was happy that the others liked his drawings and he started doodling more. America sat next to him and watched him draw. When Italy was finished he turned the drawing toward America.

"Do you-a like it?"

"Yeah! It looks beautiful! It looks exactly like a real sunflower!"

When Russia heard America say sunflower he walked over to Italy and asked if he could have the drawing. Italy smiled and gave Russia the drawing. Russia smiled and thanked Italy before walking away. The room was fairly quiet until Germany spoke up.

"Since ve didn't get much done today, ve vill finish zhis meeting later. You may all go home now."

Everyone got up from their seats and headed home. As Italy got up he saw something on the floor. He went to pick it up and realized it was England's wand. He quickly tried to find England, but he was already gone. Italy shrugged and decided he would hold onto it until the next meeting. He put the wand in his pocket, but when he did there was a bright light and he felt a bit dizzy. He felt a little strange too. Italy scratched his head, confused. He was even more confused when he felt something pointed on furry on his head. Italy was then startled when a slender object whipped past him. Italy began to chase it around and when he caught it he felt a tug. Confused, Italy walked to a mirror and was shocked. He had cat ears that matched his hair color as well as a tail. Italy looked at his features until he heard a scream.

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