First Challenge

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The moonlight gathering was at a different spot than the last one. Similar to the first, however, it was in an open area which could be easily accessed by a large group of boarders. Voices and music filled the area, making it feel more like a big party than a gathering where one crew could challenge another.

"Phew," Arden whistled. "Look at the big crowd that turned up tonight."

The Falcons were standing at the edge of the gathering surveying the scene. Even Terrell was present, though he stood some way from the group as though not wanting to be associated with them.

"So." Reagan was looking around eagerly. "Who do we challenge?"

"We're not challenging anyone," Orion told him. "If it's a status race and we don't want Sahara to race, we'll have to have someone challenge us."

"Right," Reagan nodded.

"Great." Alegra was holding on to Naomi whom she had grudgingly let tag along. The little girl wanted to run off to take a closer look at the things going on around her, yet Alegra's grip on her was firm. "How do we get someone to do that?"

The twins exchanged glances. Both grinned.

"Leave it to us," Arden said before the two bounded off.

"Wait!" Orion called as he hurried after them. "You've got to get someone with a status that's..." the rest of what he said was lost to Sahara as he, too, disappeared.

Sahara wondered what they were up to. She turned to Alegra but found her busy with trying to keep a hold of Naomi. The only other person left to ask was Terrell. However, when Sahara approached him he scooted away. She tried again only to have him do the same thing. She felt a twinge of annoyance.

"Do you really not want to be seen with us that badly?" she asked.

"It's bad for my image," Terrell replied without batting an eyelash.

Sahara turned on her heel to leave. However, Terrell's hand shot out and he grabbed her arm.

"I was just kidding, jeez," he told her.


Not replying, Terrell leaned back against the wall. His eyes never left the teens.

"What are the twins and Orion planning?" Sahara asked as she, too, leaned against the same wall.

Terrell shrugged. "Probably putting their talents to use."

"Which are?"

"Annoying someone into issuing a challenge," Terrell said. "Though, it they aren't careful they may get more than they bargained for."

Sahara didn't bother to ask what he meant. She was sure he wouldn't explain anyway.

A crew, which had just arrived, jumped off their boards and walked past them. One of the members, a guy, caught sight of Terrell and froze for a second. Terrell calmly nodded at the guy. In response, the guy returned the nod before hurrying after his crew.

"You know him?" Sahara asked curiously.

As expected, Terrell didn't reply.

Sahara narrowed her eyes. Why won't you ever tell me anything about yourself? She wondered. She turned her eyes back to the crews. It bothered her. She wanted to know more about Terrell, and yet the more she tried to find out, the more he would close up, pulling invisible walls around himself and creating a space into which she wasn't allowed.

Someone flicked her forehead. Looking up Sahara found Terrell staring at her.

"What are you in such deep thought about?" he asked curiously.

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