Glimpse of His Past

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Reagan let out a yelp of pain as Sahara dabbed the cut near his lip. He had tissue stuck up his nose which had successfully stopped bleeding.

"Oh stop being such a baby," Alegra snapped from where she was sitting holding a drink. She didn't seem in the least concerned about the cut she had on her forehead or the bruises forming on her arms.

"But it hurts," Reagan protested. He winced as Sahara dabbed it again.

"Sorry," Sahara told him.

"Why don't you just take it quietly like your brother?" Alegra growled.

"Because he's out cold!" Reagan shot back.

"Oh, right," Alegra said.

All eyes turned to Terrell who was eating a lollipop while watching from the corner. "What?" he asked innocently. "We were out of painkillers. He said it hurt and he didn't want to feel it anymore."

"That's not really a request to be knocked out," Orion murmured.

"Sure sounded like it to me," Terrell replied. "Hey, Noah, leave that be!" he yelled.

Noah peeked out from where he had been rummaging around in the area where Terrell slept.

"Stop going through things, it's rude," Terrell told him.

"Hey, just curious to see this new place of yours," Noah replied. He made his way to the stairs and began to head down. "And I agree with your friends. Knocking the dude out might have gone a bit too far."

Sahara shot a look to where Arden lay on the couch, not aware of anything going on. "Will he really be alright?" she asked worriedly.

"Fine," Terrell waved it off. He turned to the box next to him which was filled with a bunch of first aid kit. Pulling out something, he headed over to Sahara. "He might just be a bit dizzy when he wakes up."

"Dizzy? More like have a splitting headache. You don't exactly go easy on those punches," Noah told him with a wince.

"I'm guessing you've been at the end of one of those before," Orion said as he looked up from where he had been applying a bandage to his hand.

Noah grinned in reply.

When he reached Sahara, Terrell grabbed her arm and turned her in his direction. He tore the paper in his hand open and pulled out a small band aid. Sahara stood, frozen as he placed it over the cut on her cheek.

Noah watching with raised eyebrows. "This isn't too bad of a place," he commented, "Lots of space."

"Not enough for you," Terrell said as he turned to give him a meaningful look.

Noah raised his hands in defense.

"Say you'll pay rent and he'll be fine with it," Alegra commented.

Noah grinned. "Still stingy with points are we, Terrell?" He paused as Naomi, who had been watching him the entire time, walked up to him. She stood right before him and then pointed a finger.

"I have decided," she announced.

"On what?" Noah asked with a bemused expression.

"Your name."

"He already has a name," Reagan told the little girl as he began to pull the bloody tissue from his nose.

"That's okay," Noah assured him. He turned to Naomi. "And what is this name?"

Naomi's face grew very serious. "Blue, the second," she told him.

Reagan slapped his forehead only to wince at the action.

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