Intro (The Beginning)

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Mardi Gras, New Orleans, 2000

"I... release... you..." Those were the last words of The Dark Prince. Mary felt the curse leave her. First her eyes were red, then electric blue, then back her usual hazel color. She heard a faint voice call out "Mary!" The voice grew clearer when it came closer "Mary!" Then she looked to where the voice came from, "Mary!" The voice belonged to her late father's assistant, Simon Shepard. Mary had met Simon early the previous evening. After she'd found her father's corpse. Oh god, I've no family left. Except for....  A thought had entered her head & an image appeared before her. A little girl, 5 years of age, hair a shade mahogany, reddish brown eyes, and a pale pallor. Then she remembered and panic was in its early stages. Her beautiful little girl."Simon do you remember seeing someone beside me, Lucy, or my father, before you left the house?" Simon looked at the brunette woman confused. "Mary, what are talking about? The only people that were in your place were you, Lucy, and your father. Is there anyone else left that I don't know about?" Christine. "Simon, where is she?" Panic started rising. "What are you talking about, who is this 'she' you're talking about?" Mary sighed and calmed down long enough to explain. "Let me explain." She finally got the blonde man's attention. "'She' is Christine Theresa Heller, my daughter. She turned 5 earlier this week, seeing as I was 15 when I'd had her. Her father... I haven't any clue where he is, but she is the only thing. My father was given no notification of her existence. Mostly, because my mother gave an indication she didn't want Christine to know about him. After my daughter turned 4, she died and I was no longer bound that promise. As for what Chrissy looks like, she looks more like me, except for the hair and the eyes, she inherited black hair and green eyes. And, no, it's not what that damned blood-sucking demon is not my child's father!" Simon was taken aback by the woman's countenance. It reminded the blond man of his late employer. It seemed -to Simon- that there was a father-daughter resemblance. He wondered if Christine would share the same temper. "Ok, but the only people or things, I'd seen at your house were you, your father, him, and the bloody three whores! No Chri- oh, bloody hell..."
"Simon, what do - you bloody forgot to check my house didn't you?!"
"I only found you at your place! You, your late fath- ok, when I shot his wolf form, behind his growls, I thought I heard whimpering, close to a small child's-" Simon paused, recognition crossing over his features. He looked over at Mary, who looked about ready to, quite literally, slap the hell out him. The brunette woman didn't keep quiet about her feelings, for it seemed that the daughter was the only family she had left "Damn it, Simon! He could have harmed Christine! She's the only family I have left," the brunette woman's anger turned into remorse. *Oh, Christine. My poor, little Christine. Why did you have to be dragged into this. "Simon, we have to find her! We have to back! Christine could still be at the house!"
Oh, god! The three could have gotten her! That Bastard! He'll pay a week in hell for that!
It would be a nice reprieve, Mary-mine.
Mary froze. He couldn't... could he?
Don't you know me by now Mary? Now what was this I'm hearing? That you have another family member? A daughter, maybe?
Mary turned livid. Shove off!
Now, now, there's no need for that. What is her name?
Why the bloody hell would I tell you?! And what kind of mother sells out her own her own child?
Christine, I believe you said it was.
You won't have her, ever!
Your foolish father said the same thing.
Yet he was right. I was never yours.
The air in the conversation grew thick with tension.
If you harm my daughter, I swear to The Lord Christ I... She was cut off.
He doesn't care. With that, you can trust. You & your father stole life from my blood and passed it to another.
Don't you touch her! You stay away from her!
You have no idea what awaits her in her future.
How dare you-
All of sudden the voice faded... "Mary, what's going on?"
"Simon, we have to get Christine, now!
"What, Simon?"
"He's gone."
The blonde man and brunette looked to where the dark prince would be, only ashes, but when they looked up, there was no one hanging in the first light of dawn. Then looked at each other. Both knew what it meant.
The vampire had escaped out from under their noses.
And he was after the last living member of the Van Helsings. Christine.

Meanwhile at the Heller Residence...
A five year old girl was quivering in fear. What had happened that night that night? Who was the strange man in black that came home with her aunt? Who was the strange old man that came to the house? Could he be her grandfather? She climbed the stairs to her aunt's room and was greeted with a grisly sight. Her aunt's bed sheets were stained red. When she got the bed, she realized the blood was semi-dry, meaning that death happened in here earlier last night. She felt cold skin against her foot. She looked down, saw a hand, and gave a squeal of fright. She bent down and pulled up the sheets, which was only to be frightened by the sight of a corpse, only shy of a day old. The stranger looked familiar. She remembered seeing pictures of the old man, just shortly after her grandmother had passed away.
"Momma, who is this standing next to grandma?" The little girl asked her mother, pointing to the man in the picture. The brunette woman smiled sadly. "That's your grandfather," her mother answered. "He doesn't know about you, and I wish he did," the woman continued. "He would have loved you so much." The little girl saw tears coming out of her mother's eyes. "Will I ever see him one day?" Christine asked. "Maybe. Only time will tell."
Flashback over...
Suddenly, realization hit Christine like tidal wave. This strange old man... this was the man from the pictures! Her grandfather! Her face went from shocked to sadness, and finally heartbreak and denial. "Grandfather?" Chrissy tearfully asked. The 'oh-my-god-it's-really-you' look crossed her face. She shakily took her grandfather's lifeless hand, and wept violently. How could this have happened? She was certain that her grandfather was good man. That he didn't have any enemies. Except... no it couldn't be... As she was reaching to wipe her eyes, there were only semi-dry tear stains and an overwhelming urge to sleep. So Christine closed her eyes and dreamed of her late grandparent.

Outside the Heller residence...
He couldn't believe he was back at this place. 117 Cherry Tree Lane. The events that took place that evening had not gone as planned. The sun was almost up and he needed a place to sleep for the day. And did not want a repeat of this morning. Feeding and reconstituting a body already dead was extremely tiring, especially to someone such as him. He'd escaped the Mary girl, was now looking for her daughter. Yes, the perfect revenge. Sweet little Christine. Who was no older than 5. Just then, a noise caught his attention. It sound like... no... that couldn't be... So the little girl found her grandfather's body. And he had found her. The ancient vampire smirked, but didn't stay. He trudged up the stairs, down the hall, and stopped at Lucy's room. At the beside was little Christine Heller-Van Helsing. The vampire took a moment to get a good look at the girl. She'd fallen asleep after mourning for her lost grandfather. At this sight, Dracula wanted to comfort the girl. It was the least he owed to his fallen enemy. Comforting his still living blood-kin, but he couldn't. Little Christine has not seen him before. So there was thing he could do. Comfort her in her thoughts, and in her dreams. In a ghostly voice, he had called her name.


Christine Heller
I can't believe it. My granddaddy was gone... I didn't even get the chance to know him, to share a grandfather/granddaughter bond. Nothing. It's all gone. Then I got an idea. A song that will keep him in heart. Forever.
I deep breath and began to sing.

Think of me
think of me fondly,
when we've said
Remember me
once in a while
please promise me
you'll try.

When you find
that, once
again, you long
to take your heart back
and be free
if you
ever find
a moment,
spare a thought
for me...

To be continued...

Dracula 2000: SecretsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant