Ch. 1 (Masquerade)

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12 years later (A/n: it's not what you think at first)
Christabelle De Villiers
"...-tine Daáe could sing it, sir," I heard Serena, my best friend, in the role of Meg Giry, speak to the character of Monsieur Firmin. Andrew, my best guy friend, in the role of Giles Andre, said, "A ballet girl?" Adding disbelief in his tone.

"Let her sing for you, Monsieur," Diana, my 2nd best friend, playing Mme. Giry, said. "She has been lessons from a great teacher." Monsieur Richard Firmin, aka, Jean-Christophe Sylvestre, the French foreign exchange student asked,"Who?"

My turn. "I don't know his name Monsieur," I said, bringing the character of Christine Daàe to life. "Let her sing for Monsieur. She has been well taught," Dian- excuse me- Mme. Giry said, the music started, and I mentally got ready to sing. Off to the side I could hear, "André, is doing nothing for my nerves," and "she's very pretty." I began to sing.

"Think of me
Think of me fondly
When we've said

Remember me
Once every so often
Promise me you'll try

On that day
That not so distant day
When you are far away
And free
If you ever find a moment
Spare a thought for me..."

Oh, how rude of me. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Christabella De Villiers. I'm 17, nearly 18, a junior in high school, and currently starring in my high school's production of Phantom of the Opera. I've been singing as long as I can remember. I loved singing and acting since I was at least 5 years old. Especially when--

No. Absolutely do not go back to that, Christine. Why would you want to back that?

I, albeit lightly, reflected on the monstrous event, only to snap out of my reverie long enough to realize that I'd finished my solo, think of me, and the audience was cheering for me, and the scene changed to that of the Opera House's chapel, where Christine, aka me, could seen, sitting gracefully on its floor, lighting a candle, above a portrait of Gustave Daáe, the father of Christine. Then enters the ghostly voice, the Angel of Music.


Then Meg comes in, looking for Christine.


Then the voice, "Christine..."
No not again, I won't go back there, I thought. Then the memories come flooding back. I was five again. The house, mom, aunt Lucy, grandfather, the voice, and the stranger dressed all in black... Him...
"No! no! no! NO!" I screamed, out of grief holding the hand of my grandfather's day old corpse. I was five years old again. I'd finally met my grandfather of five years, well technically five minutes, but still my grandfather. He was still here? All this time? Had mom known? Had grandmother known?


My head bolted up... What. Was that? What the heck, was that? Then I did what I did best when I got upset. Sing.

"Little Lotte, let her mind wander"
"Little Lotte thought,
'am I fonder of dolls, or of goblins,
Or of shoes?'"

"Or of riddles or frocks"

I let out a quiet gasp. Someone was singing with me.

"Those picnics in the attic, or
Of chocolates?"

"Father playing the violin..."

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 13, 2016 ⏰

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