A/n (sorry!)

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A/n: hello everyone! I'm I only own Christine Heller-Van Helsing. Dracula and his concept for Dracula: 2000, belong to Wes Craven and Bram Stoker, as does Matthew (Abraham) Van Helsing. Wes Craven also owns Mary, Simon, and the thieves that stole Dracula's coffin, of which 4 I have planned a surprise for later in the story. Also "Think of me" and Phantom of the Opera belong to Andrew Lloyd Webber, who BTW is an absolute genius! And I also owe credit to Heather Brewer, as her characters from the Vladimir Tod series including the main character of the series himself, Vlad Tod, is best friends with my OC, Christabella, who btw is inspired by Christine Daàe, the lead female in Phantom of the Opera. So this is going to be a Dracula 2000/Vladimir Tod crossover, which has been brewing in my head for a while... ok this is getting long, so I'm gonna make this short: I'm starting from Chrissy's 13th birthday since vlad is 2 years her junior---- ok short version:
Chrissy- 8th Grade
Vlad- 10th grade (sophomore year)
Also like her Phantom Of The Opera counterpart, Chrissy is a singer. And of course our dear Dracula may sing, for the lead male in Dracula: 2000, the lead character's actor, Gerard Butler, went on to play Erik/The Phantom, on Phantom of the Opera. And Christine is the namesake of  my main character. It's weird I know, but still, great character right?

Anyways, I've been thinking about putting a cast up, because, I will need to have a face for Christabelle (also her singing voice if the actress does not have a musical career), Vlad Tod, Henry, Eddie Poe, Otis, Nelly, Diablo, etc. and to reiterate, Christabelle is 13 at the beginning, so find someone who is around this age. 

Oh, and before I forget, the role Dracula is already taken, by G.B. 

I would appreciate this.

I remain, Ladies and Gentlemen, your obedient servant.

A.D. Summers

P.S. In case you haven't noticed, I'm bit of a Phantom fan, and bit dramatic.

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