3. Feel The Pressure

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"Can you believe this?" Ana said as she peered through the blinds out at the parked news vans across the street. "Talk about having no privacy" she said as she went ahead with her daily business of looking after Teddy and Kate when she received a phone call from Kate, she was crying uncontrollably. "Ana I'm sorry"

"What's wrong? Kate I need you to calm down and tell me what's wrong." Ana tried calming Kate but it made her worse. "Kate? Are you okay?"

"No you have to believe me I didn't do it" Didn't do what? Kate your scaring me Ana thought as she tried again to calm Kate

"Turn on the news" was all Ana heard when she seen yesterdays photographs including the one of Teddy and Phoebe on the screen. "Ana I swear I didn't give them anything. I left my camera in my bag. Elliot took Ava and I to for a meal when we left you yesterday, I left my bag in the car and someone broke into it. We called the police and everything but we still have no leads. I'm so sorry" she cried to her best friend and sister in law over the phone. Ana could do nothing but feel helpless, she didn't want this and over ten photographs were across the tv screen and several online blogs had access to them to.

"Ana?" Kate asked worried

"It's okay Kate, it's not your fault" she told her. It wasn't her fault she didn't know this was going to happen. "I'm sorry" she whispered again. "Christian is going to be pissed, I heard you two yesterday arguing over this sort of thing about releasing pictures and this shit happens" she angrily said over the phone

"Kate don't worry Christian will sort this out. I promise you" she said as she watched the images flash across the screen with captions like 'Proud Teddy Bear' of the one of just Teddy and Phoebe and 'Grey's New Addition' under the one of the four of them on the sofa with Teddy holding Phoebe while she clutches his finger. After an hour of crying, apologising and threatening to kill the person who stole Kate's bag, Ana eventually had to pretend she had to go out to get Kate off the phone. Gail had heard the news and came to Ana's side "Ana dear are you okay?" she asked as she had Teddy by the hand and Phoebe in cradled in against her chest in the other arm.

"Honestly? I don't know what to do. I never expected to have the kids in the spotlight so young. Sure when Teddy was a bit younger we had the odd press releases of photos we organised but this is too personal. Some broke into Elliot's car and stole Kate's' bag which had her camera in it. All of the pictures are all over the news and the Internet and we just got home two days ago, it's absolutely ridiculous" she said as Teddy cuddled her by wrapping his arms around her leg. She smiled down at him and patted his head softly as she took Phoebe in her arms getting her ready for a feed.

"Dear I don't mean to put a downer on things but once those pictures are online they are up there for good. It's impossible to get every single image that has probably been copied or sent on removed" she said as she patted the 25 year olds arm. "Just try and keep the head up Ana it will blow over soon anyway. Maybe we could organise a special photo shoot for a magazine so the press wont hang around as much? I'm sure your friend could take the photo's and you and Christian could choose a magazine to get them published into?" Gail offered

"Actually that doesn't sound like a bad idea. Though I have to ask Christian to see what he thinks first, I bethe is fuming over this, he is just looking to blame someone and knowing the way him and Kate are, the chances are he will go off at her" she said feeling sympathy towards her friend.

"Maybe, though Ana give him a bit more credit he will surprise you. Just put the idea forward and see what he thinks of it. It's better than someone trying to snap pictures every time you try to leave the house" she said as she handed Ana a bottle of breast milk for Phoebe.

"I will, thanks Gail" she smiled softly as she led Teddy by the hand into the tv room as he sat with her observing Phoebe as she drank from her bottle. "She has a bottle like me" he grinned

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