4. Forgiveness & Love

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"Whoops" Christian stumbled as he came through the door drunk. The house was in complete darkness. He had went back to work and then decided to go for a few drinks with Elliot and Ethan, Kate's brother. He had stayed out longer than he thought he was going to. He stumbled into the kitchen to get a glass of water and even smashed the glass he was supposed to use. "oh for fucks sake" he mumbled

Ana heard him from her bedroom and ended up getting up to go see what state he was in. She turned on the kitchen light to find him sitting on the floor trying to clean the glass in the dark. "Oh Ana" he smiled at her in his drunken state. "I broke it" he said laughing

"I know. Now get up and sit at the table before you cut yourself, I have to clean this up. I don't want Teddy to slip and fall on it tomorrow" she said annoyed at him as she grabbed the brush and scoop. She cleaned up every inch of glass as Christian watched silently. "Your mad?" he asked as if it wasn't already obvious

"No Christian. I am furious. You leave me after an argument with two crying kids. Teddy thought you were mad at him because you just up and left then you come in at four in the morning drunk and then smash a glass and you want to know if I am mad?" she scoffed. She took a bottle of water out of the fridge and got two Advil and handed them to Christian "Take those and drink all of that and go to bed. Oh and don't break anything else on the way" she said as she left a stunned Christian in the kitchen.

"Ana" he whispered as he got into bed beside her. She turned on her side ignoring him "Ana" he shook her lightly

"What Christian?" she whispered back as she faced him

"Do you want to do the press thing?"

"You want to discuss this now? I thought we were done with that? Just go to sleep Christian" she said as he cuddled up behind her.

She let him to stop him from talking and eventually she fell asleep only to be woken by Phoebe crying on the monitor and they crying stopped when she heard Teddy's voice, Christian was awake and he listened too "It's okay sissy, I get mommy and daddy and they get you up and I can give you a bottle again. I'm a big boy" he said and Ana smiled then glanced over at her husband who was doing the same. She checked the alarm clock 7:00am. "Time to get up" she said


"Christian not now, I am tired and I am not in the mood for another fight okay?" he nodded as she went to Phoebe's room as she bumped into Teddy who was on his way to get her. "Hi Teddy Bear" she kissed him

"Mommy I think Phoebe is hungry. Can I help again?" he pleaded with her and she grinned "Okay go and ask Gail to heat a bottle up and wait in the tv room, I'll change Phoebe's diaper and I'll be down in a few minutes"

"Okay mommy" he said rushing out and passed his father "Hi daddy" he said

"Good morning Teddy Bear. Be careful buddy" he said warning his son. Christian then came in behind Ana and watched as she changed their daughter and left her in her baby grow. "Hi princess" Christian said as Ana moved to let him take her in his arms. Ana cleaned up and then took Phoebe into her arms "So I guess Teddy is feeding her this morning?"

"Yeah he wants to help" she said smiling "It might make him more comfortable at the fact he has a sibling now" she said and he just nodded. "Yeah it's a good idea"

"Mommy come on I have her bottle" Teddy said excited as his parents came into the room with his sister. "Calm down Teddy" Ana grinned as Christian lifted him up and sat him on the sofa and then placing his sister on his lap and showing him how to place the bottle in her mouth. He smiled when he got it right. "I did it" he said proudly. Gail came in to let them know their breakfast was ready and seen Teddy was feeding Phoebe "I can stay if you two want to go eat"

"You're a star Gail" Ana said as Gail beamed at her.

Christian nodded and followed his wife to the kitchen. They say at the table and began eating in an awkward silence. "Ana about last night. I'm sorry I did that. I wasn't supposed to stay out that long I just went to cool off"

"I shouldn't of argued with you over the press release. You're right the kids are too young and they won't leave us alone if we just give them what the want" she said looking at Christian in the eyes. "I was just hormonal yesterday and a bit overwhelmed with all of this and with everyone arriving to visit, I was tired too" she admitted

"I did tell you to go rest" he teased grinning

"Can we not fight again like that?" she said

"I'd rather not" he smiled taking her hand "Do you want to do the press release of us and the kids?" he asked her waiting for her answer "Answer me honestly baby"

"Well I do just to see if it will lighten up outside. I can't take any more of that" she said sighing at him. "I didn't expect this much press though" she said

"Neither did I. Like it was much different with Teddy, that was low key. No one knew about him until his first birthday with everything that was going on, I was able to keep it all private but now they have the eye on us since then" he said "I guess the press release of photographs wont do any harm really"

"I suppose but you don't want it and I am not going down that road to relive another argument with you" Ana said as she seen the amusement on her husbands face.

"I don't mind now. I just got worked up yesterday." he admitted as he went to embrace his wife "I just want to keep you all safe. Isn't that what a husband and father is supposed to do? Look after their family and protect them?"

"Yes and you are doing a great job" she smiled as he leaned down pecking her on the lips. She clung to him and he wrapped his arms around her. She buried her head in his chest and they stayed that way for a few moments "Come on and we check on Teddy and Phoebe, I'm sure Gail is pulling her hair out by now" Christian grinned joking

"She has the patience of a saint that woman, sure she had to put up with you for years" Ana retorted to earn a scowl but a slight grin formed shortly after. "So we are doing this then?"

"Yeah it wont be so bad" he said "I'm sure Jose wont mind being there either to snap a few pictures" he said "I do pay him enough for the ones he has taken" Ana giggled at him

"Alright we can do it then" she said as they made their way to tv room to hear the laughter from Gail as she listened to Teddy babbling on about a tv show as she held Phoebe in her arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2013 ⏰

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