2. Overthinking it

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"Welcome home Ana" Gail smiled warmly at Ana as she was helped through the doors by her over protective husband with his daughter cradled in his arms. "Teddy look mama's home with daddy and baby Phoebe" Jason told Teddy as he left him off to run towards his mother. He squealed happily as Ana bent down to pick him up when Christian stopped her "Ana baby you need your rest, you can hold him later" she gave in patting her son's head and kissing him before going upstairs to rest with Christian and her daughter behind her "Teddy mama needs to sleep she will see you later" he said and left Teddy with Gail and Jason.

"Come on little fella let's get you changed. I'm sure Aunty Mia and Kate are coming with Uncle Elliot and baby Ava" Teddy smiled he liked Ava she didn't cry at him when he held her hand and Elliot and Kate allowed him to hold her on his lap when he visited them.

"Grampa?" Teddy asked Gail with his big grey eyes like his father's ones. "Yes grampa and grandma are coming" she told the three year old who seemed in better spirits. "Jason will you play cars?" he tugged his hand as Gail let him down "Come on kiddo" he took the eager three year old by the hand forgetting about the attention his baby sister was getting.

As Teddy happily played with his new toy cars Gail had bought him she heard the little cries of the baby girl and the pleas from Ana asking to get up and walk around with her because she wasn't settling for Christian. In the mean time Ana and Christian's guests had begun to arrive with gifts for Phoebe. Ava was wide awake and clapped her pudgy fists when she was placed on the floor beside her older cousin. She had just learned to sit up on her own and was doing well without the help of her support chair.

"Ava" Teddy plopped down beside her and giving her a toy car which she put straight into her mouth "No like this" Teddy laughed at his baby cousin who drooled all over the toys "Ava this way" he rolled the car backwards and forwards on it's wheels and his cousin watched attentively.

"Daddy look" he said but his father was busy with his uncle and aunts looking at baby Mia. He tugged at his pants leg "Daddy" he pouted at his father's words "Not now son. Show me later buddy okay" Teddy toddled back over and sat with Ava and played with the cars when Ana came in "Teddy Bear what did you wanna show daddy?"

"Ava do this" he held his toy car out to her and she repeated her actions from earlier the way he showed her. Ana beamed at her son "Such a great boy. Your gonna be a great big brother" she gave him a kiss when a doorbell ringing brought her attention away from him and to the front door. "I'll be back in a few minutes baby boy" she kissed his cheeks and he grinned that cheeky grey grin inherited from his father.

"Mrs Grey congratulations on the new baby. Have you got any comments on the child? Weight, hair colour, eyes?" Ana was bombarded with questions from the press when Christian was by her side in an act. He was furious. Jason and Luke flew to the front door and told them to leave or they would be charged. They grumbled but moved on and even snapped a few pictures when Teddy snuck out to the door to see what was going on. Christian whipped him inside quickly but not fast enough when the press flashed their camera's at him.

"Christian?" Ana looked to her husband as he let Teddy off running to his mother's arms where she held her new baby daughter "How are we supposed to go out with the kids? I just got bombard with cameras in myface and Teddy too. This is ridiculous" she said as Teddy sat on her lap curled in against her.

"Ana, dear you should be resting. Take Phoebe up with you and leave Teddy off" Grace suggest to her daughter in law. Ana was annoyed at the fact since Phoebe was born Teddy was shoved to the side. "No, I am fine" she said gritting her teeth.

"Ana you need rest" Christian said as he moved towards her. "Come on son" he said trying to take Teddy "Mama" he whimpered clutching onto his mother

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