Hotel Ragnor

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rachel walked down the narrow street, her hoodie pulled over her head. her brother Mike , walked by her side. he was dressed in a flimsy tshirt and jeans. it was a chilly night, and he showed no signs that the cold bothered him, even in the slightest manner.

as rachel drew her hoodie closer, to preserve warmth, she thought,"he rarely ever feels cold." or rather, rarely ever felt anything.

She turned her head and looked at him,taking in the scene. His Mohawk was streaked electric blue,in contrast to his jet black hair and eyes of the same colour. At five feet eleven inches he was well built,had a perfect jawline and hot cheekbones. Abs completed him. Basically,he was every girl's dream boy.

In contrast to Mike,Rachel was a brunette with blue eyes. Her grand mom had been a brunette,but the fact that she'd seen nobody in her family with blue eyes worried her. She'd asked hr parents about it repeatedly until she accepted the theory that a dormant gene had finally become active and given her eyes of such  beautiful colour.

Rachel knew many girls envied her looks. She was slender,yet strong. Her hair was usually on point. She could charm a guy into walking through the doors of his death.

On the outside,both of them were beautiful. . So charming, so composed,so peaceful. Who knew what was cooking in their minds,especially when both of them were so very capable of concealing  the tornadoes brewing internally?

Her stream of thought took a sharp turn and she thought of Mike again. Aged 19,he was one of he hottest guys ever,and he was super smart. He was one person who could never mess up,no matter what the situation was.

He was a virgin,and never drank or smoked. He barely had time for all this and besides he valued his health and looks way too much . 

though he appeared very happy and natural superficially, Rachel knew he was an excellent actor and was faking it. He walked around day in and out carrying a guilt so huge in his heart, she was scared it would kill him. This guilt was the very reason  he was on  the verge of heartlessness

only she knew hoe exactly he felt. she always felt the same way too. staying sane with such mental trauma was a herculean task, and also an equally great achievement.

Rachel was lost in her stream of thoughts, when her brother pulled her by her hand and asked her to halt. they were near the parking of the only hotel in that area. it wasn't very well lit, but the headlights in and around the hotel provided sufficient lighting to read . Mike took out a piece of paper, smeared with ink and blood in a corner. "dad may have used this sheet to wipe off blood from that table," he thought.

in what looked like an ancient script ; their dad's handwriting, were instructions.Mike read it aloud, but not too loudly, just enough for Rachel to hear ."complete the job and move south. at the first crossroads you'll come across, will be a cabbie, with a patch on his left eye. get into the cab only if he knows the keyword.he will drop you off at your next destination." stapled to it was another piece of paper, which said " your target is : Carius Mathews, #403, Hotel Ragnor. "

He inhaled deeply. then he said to Rachel , "take it out. " . As he drew out a slender, shiny knife encased in a thick plastic case, he continued , "it is time .". Rachel's adrenaline levels went really high. she knew this was it. Slowly she out her hand into the pocket of her hoodie and out came a sexy, shiny, black , small yet vicious looking object. deftly, she loaded it with bullets and put it back in. from a little bag she had carried with her, she took out a clock, and another knife, in addition to her brother's. Mike took it from her, and set an alarm at about twenty minutes from then.

then, he told her, "we need  to leave this place before time runs out. "Mike loved timing all their 'jobs'.

this locality barely had any security. even the windows seldom had grills. the watchman outside the hotel had been half asleep, enough for them to slip through. just to avoid any risks, they robbed him of his remaining consciousness with chloroform

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