a series of murders

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the scream came from somewhere below them. rachel looked down and saw a young woman, standing outside the compound wall of the hotel. she'd seen them climbing and had screamed to alert the neighbours . though this area was deserted, a considerable amount of people still did live there.

they had no choice but to kill her, rachel realized with a little sadness. they couldn't make her unconscious from this distance. they were also running out of time. they'd never failed on any of their previous missions, and couldn't afford to let the organization down on this this one.

without another thought, she pulled her gun out and BAM!! . a single defeaning sound and the woman's screams were dead. so was she.

rachel was in tears. she'd killed an innocent woman. she's done what she did to save their lives, but this gave her no relief. she felt guilty.

she sighed and swung to the window.her brother followed her. he kicked open the glass window, sending up a fountain of glass splinters. the window had been bolted on the inside.

a few splinters managed to find their way to the exposed parts of their bodies; their necks, Mike's hands, Rachel's forehead.Mike's neck had a shallow , bleeding cut. but he couldn't tend to it now, not hanging like this. he whispered "screw it!" and swooped into the room. the jagged end of the glass, still stuck to the window frame, dug itself into Rachel's leg, leaving a tear in her jeans and the skin below it. blood , like melted rubies, poured out of the cut. her blue jeans were slowly turning purplish. the warmth of her blood did provide momentary relief from the chilly weather that night. she knew she was losing blood quickly, and she had to pull herself through this. she bit her lip, and tried to contain her agony in silence.

Carius, the bearded man, had woken up to all this commotion, and had armed himself with a pillow, hoping to fend off their attacks.Mike almost laughed at this, Rachel was on the floor laughing. she finally stood up, and both of them had their guards down for that minute. this was bad for them. the guy had taken out a pistol from nowhere and had pointed it at them.

first at Mike, but he also had an eye on Rachel. Mike  reached down to his boot, and took out a metal chain and a very ugly looking pair of handcuffs. it had metal spikes all over it, and brown coloured tips, in contrast to the steel body of the handcuffs. it was dried blood, and Mike had probably never put the handcuffs to their actual use.

Rachel emptied her bag and the clock fell out. she did all of this right in front of carius. the clock showed that they had 20 minutes left. she threw the clock out of the window, and then walked towards, him, after a quick look at Mike. Mike now knew she'd planned something.

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