one down, so many more to go

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seductively, she wrapped her arms around his neck.carius was clearly struggling to keep his guard.he knew this was a distraction. what he hadn't noticed was that she had a her knife hidden in her palm. as soon as her hands were around him, she brought the knife out and sent it through his neck.

Carius saw her eyes gleam at first, then felt a sharp something poke the back of his neck, and then numbing pain.  the world fell away and he was in blissful oblivion, forever.

that was the end of Carius Mathews, yet another assignment of Rachel and Mike. he was one of the richest traders around, and had been on his way to another city in France. nobody knew why he wouldn't put his riches in  a bank , and instead kept them at his home. also, the reason behind his stay in this god forbidden, stinky hotel room was unknown. nobody could predict what he was upto. but his choice wasn't good. infact, in turned out to be fatal

the man, who'd been so happy with his life; he's made a living for himself by dealing in natural gas and petrol, and diamonds as a side business, all through sheer hard work, lay dead, in a pool of his own blood. his pink shirt was just too pink now.

"gay", mike thought.

Rachel never knew  how to react to such things. instead, she  pulled her knife out of his neck, and began cleaning it. Mike had this sudden urge to destroy something . he pulled out his gun, loaded it and started shooting at the body.  Rachel backed away and stood with her back touching the wall. Mike's bullets kept sending fountains of blood into the air . she then realized it was all his rage pouring out of him. ever since they had been kids, they never had the chance to actually sit and sort out their feelings. all they'd seen was violence, instructors telling them how to go about being merciless, watching trainers perform stunts and learning them, and the occasional hugs their parents gave them when they'd accomplished something better than usual.

by now the whole floor was covered with blood, and a part of mike's clothes too. they picked up the battered body and wrapped it in a bag, that mike had found lying around in the room. they carried the body down the stairs, stealthily.

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