BONUS Chapter - Jay 'first' meets Aqueela

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BONUS Chapter - Jay 'first' meets Aqueela

I stare up at the ceiling in deep thought, lounging back in my seat as I make an attempt to get comfortable. My concentration is gone.

"JT?" Grey snaps his fingers in front of my face for the second time within a span of a few seconds, "What's going on with you? You haven't even had a single drink." He points out the facts, glancing at my shot that I still have yet to touch. 

I shrug, pulling my eyes away from the ceiling to meet his gaze, "Just have a lot on my mind." 

Grey doesn't get the chance to say anything else. A girl, one I don't know, takes her chances in striking up a conversation with me. I turn her down, lost to the thoughts taking charge in my head.

"You're changing man," Grey tells me, a little surprised that I turned the attractive brunette away. "First, you stop drinking. Now you're turning away the female population, what next?" He jokes, trying to lighten the atmosphere. "Then again, you never are interested in anyone, except that one girl that you're always going on about."

"I'm just not feeling it anymore." I answer him truthfully, aware that I'm not exactly much fun to be around right now. 

Greg, my boss, sighs as if reading me, "I know that look all too well." He adds with a calculating grin, pushing a shot glass my way. I don't take the bait, refusing to touch it. "Mopey Jay is back to play." He carefully motions to the shot glass as if telling me to let go and release some pent-up stress. I don't budge. Drinking isn't going to solve anything.

I send him a disgruntled look, annoyed at how well he and Grey know me. Greg is the only person that knows my entire story, Grey taking second place, and FeeBee a close third.

Grey chuckles in amusement before lighting up another cigarette, "Is this actually about that girl you're hung up on?" Grey asks casually, curious.

I stiffen at reference to her, "No." I argue, "And I'm not hung up on her. I barely know her." I correct him, avoiding the subject.

"I'd say otherwise." Grey smirks teasingly before saying, "If not her, then what is it?"

"It's a about a lot of things man." I reluctantly answer him, dragging myself back up so that I'm seated properly. "I'm just sick of it all. I've had enough. I'm done."

"Got to be Mason Montry, your biological parents or your foster parents, which is it?" Greg asks knowingly. He's known about all of my issues ever since he took me under his wing. He's family to me. Grey and Greg are like brothers.

"Like I said, all of it." I mutter, not in the mood to talk it out.

"Are they looking for you?" Grey takes the chance in asking me. He knows I hate it when he brings them into it. I'm done with them.

"You should know." I narrow my eyes at him, "I cut them off completely. I'm not the one still in ties with them." I remind him, my tone clipped. I've warned Grey time and time again about that gang, yet he's destined to make the same mistakes I did. "They're sick people that you don't want to get involved with. It's crowds I regret running alongside. They were the only people I had when I broke out the orphanage. I didn't have others to turn to. It took me a long time to see that they were bad influences on my life. I don't get why you still hang with them after knowing this."

"For information, that's it." Grey answers sharply, "I'm not stupid. I won't deal any or take for myself. I just like being a step ahead of everyone. That gang is my connection to everything."

I sigh, well aware that I can't change his mind once it's made, "Don't say I didn't warn you. There will come a day when you slip up and they'll do to you what they did me. They'll turn on you in a single second. You need to pay the price when kicked out. I did."

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