Chapter 8: Ditto

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Chapter 8: Ditto

When bored, I tend to become extra loud and extra talkative - the element of control lacking within me.

"So when the ice cream washed off, I told Bell that we should shrink your jacket and dye it pink, but then you stood me up like a garbage child. I was a tad bit offended, but that's when my intrigue for you rose. I wanted to get to know you. Speaking of colors, my favorite is blue, like your eyes. Maggot told me that I'm too attached to you. I guess it's because you're different from everybody else and you spark the curiosity within me, but you know what they say about curiosity killing the rhinos etcetera. Speaking of Mason - what happened with you guys? So much tension. He's like a fragile baby when you're around. Speaking of babies, I don't want any, ever. They are so noisy and dirty, almost as terrifying as old people, and-"

I stop talking abruptly when Jay takes one hand off the wheel for a split second and begins to poke me in the side, making me squirm on the spot. "Do you ever shut up?" he questions, distracted.

I flinch back into the car door and away from his hands probing at my ribs. "Jeez dude, at least take me on a date and buy me an island first before getting so touchy-feely," I reprimand him.

"I'm just looking for an off button on you," he replies and removes his hand from my ribs. "A stop button."

"Well, you'll never find one 'cause it broke a long time ago," I reply in a sing-song voice, pumped up after that party.

"Clearly," he says flatly. "Is there at least a pause button?" 

I shake my head, "Nope." I grin, "But there is a rewind button if you're interested?"

"Hell no. What about a fast forward button?" he asks, focused on the empty road - expected at this ungodly hour of the morning. It's one a.m.

"Doubtful," I irritate him further. "There's a replay button," I add teasingly.

I wait for his reply, but it never comes and I know exactly why - he has given up.

He parks the car in nowhere particular as he gets out without so much as an explanation as to why we stopped near a gloomy forest. 

He really is going to kill me. I've done it now. I have pushed him too far.

I sit still in the car, unmoving. If I'm to die then I'll rather die here in this comfortable Gallardo than outside there in the cold. Bonus, that way he'll have to drag my body into the woods. I'll be annoying him even when I'm dead. Now that takes skill.

A loud knock on the car window jolts me upright. Jay's annoyed expression comes into view as he motions for me to get out the car. I begin to panic and reach forward to lock the car from inside out with the central locking system.

He sees what I've done and sends me a cold glare before he takes his car keys out his front pocket and unlocks the car. I quickly press the lock button yet again. Jay presses the unlock button on his keys, and so it continues back and forth until he loses his patience. He finally grabs the door handle and swiftly yanks it open before I have time to lock the car.

I scream in terror as he reaches for me. On instinct, I ram my fist straight into his nose.

When the blood begins to pour from his nose, my actions wash over me. I just punched Jay Taylor in the face...and maybe broke his nose. I could have killed him, maybe. I am a very powerful being.

However, despite my force and brute strength that could possibly kill a man, Jay does not flinch or react at all. He simply gives me a look before reaching up to his nose and wiping some of the blood away with his fingertips. 

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