Chapter 3: The light finally found my secret

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Chapter 3: The light finally found my secret (not a normal chapter for this book)

So, now that you know me a little bit better, I didn't exactly said everything about me. And now everybody says: "You don't saaay!". Yeah but it's actually the most weird part at me that you don't know. Alright, I don't actually say that I am special or sh*t like this, otherwise I think I am more unlucky than the others because this is some kind of a power that it's in me. Like a paranormal thing or something, I know that now all the girls that are reading this (not too many so not worried about it) are disappointed because they don't want S.F. but a love story. All at their time girls.

However, this thing is some power that makes me control somehow the things that are around me. Do you remember that tornado that came towards me and George last chapter? Yep,me... And the most fuck*n awkward part is that I don't even know how to control it or when it turns on or anything!

In the first 7 years of my life I lived with my grandma and she taught me that I have a gift and I should learn control it (somehow). She was special, she was always holding my hand when I needed and she taught me about life and everything that I will fight with trough the years that will pass. She said that I will in time with her help someday I will find my way and I will be capable to control my powers. But with the word "special" I meant that she could do paranormal things too. At my 7 year birthday she told me her story that she could be in two places at the same time. In the normal world (hell) and the world of magic where she lived and she and her husband there and even a job. It was the perfect life until she couldn't live in both worlds anymore because it was too hard for her after a few time. So she made a copy of herself to live in the human world for her, so that's how dad born so boring, and when I was born my grandma knew about my powers and put the copy to live in the world of magic and she lived with me.

Returning to my 7 year birthday the first gift was a book with magic spells and lessons for my powers. She said that this will help me to get used to a normal life. And she also said that she dosen't have a lot of time left, at that time I didn't understood what that meant, so she said me a 1000000 times that she will miss me and she hugged me more times that she spoke to me I love you and I will miss you. She was acting weird until I understood in a second why did she did that...she died in front of me...after a few hours. It was the worst 7 year birthday on the planet. Since then I changed and I moved from the town where I was living to my parents in U.S.A.

Let's end with all this S.F-drama part and start with the prezent:

So I read the hole book that actually was pretty old with leather cover and 500 pages 7 times and I still don't understand how could I start this lessons without having the stuff that are mentioned in this book. What will grandma do? I was asking myself every hour from every day from every month from every year since my 7 years anniversary.

I discovered a lot of clues that can help me find out when this powers triggers. Usually when I'm close to George it feels a little bit but it doesn't do nothing, maybe because my heart starts beating fast and I lose my mind, that time with the tornado I didn't gave a sh*t because I was too focused on him.

Today I went to school and when I was close to him he said hi and I couldn't say anything because I could set the hole place o fire or something like this. He seemed a little disappointed of himself after I didn't answer his hi so he called me this night, how the hell he get my number?! REDHEAD! (that one is Eivey).

He started saying things like ideas why I am sad, but I couldn't say him my secret, or I could? My trust is somewhere else...what could I do?! Not even my dad knows my secret, but still one new person knows it, redhead started looking in my things and found the book and starting putting me questions so I snapped.

I bet that readheaded little devil said something that scared him as hell... I know you thought it but i'll say it: "Isn't that perfect?". Yeah so, what can I do to stop my redheaded friend to say stupid but real thing about me to my crush and control my powers at the same time. Maybe now you have a lot of ideas in your head but my one is blind and totally cleaned up (the only thing that is cleaned in my life).

Now I should go downstairs at the dinner with my dad because this evening his girlfriend is invited. Don't worry I will describe her to you. *After 5 minutes*: This was the worst dinner in the world... 1,2,3: *SCREAMIIIINGGG* His girlfriend is taller than him. She is not very beautiful but not the devil either (I hope so...) She has blonde hair and blonde mind and she is awful. But this is not all, my dad said sweating a lot and stuff that they are engaged and they will marry in September...right on the day when my birthday is...because my dad said that this is my gift for my anniversary , a MOTHER, can I say step-monster? OK, a new name for her. Can I get a XXL mixer of music instead of her? Yeah I know...

I wish that last night I could use my super-awkward-powers to spread her blonde hair in pieces and became those bald and awkward women on the street. Wouldn't be that awesome?! But today she is moving in our house spreading her stupidity on us. She has a lot of stupid stuff like a entire bag wasted on makeup (no girls I know but a fuckin BAG) and the best part is that she is using my bathroom...yeah MINE. She said that after she paints my awful black and white walls in my bathroom with pink...and there I said stop. I shouted at her and my dad came and punished me. The punishment is to not go out with my friends (not a problem) I know... *forever alone*.

Weeks past and just saying hi and just normal talking about music and stuff...not bad but I had like 3 unexpected powers in the history and biology class. In the history one I created a tornado that spread all the papers in the class and everybody looked so scared that the teacher evacuated the class and the tornado stopped...nothing unexpected. And in the biology class we were cutting a frog or something, I don't know I was just listening to music in the back. And when I made eye contact with George I created a storm outside...crazy isn't it?! At least he took me a drive home! yay! But home the step-monster was waiting for me with some pasta. I taught they were poisoned so I took some nutella and went to my room.

Hope you liked this chapter! Don't forget to vote/comment! 


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