Chapter 6: Makeup doesn't go with blood

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When I woke up (unfortunately in a bed surrounded by people) I started to panic and screaming. I knew his parents,everybody,but it still felt like someone was there,and it was not a happy face.

They (the psychopathic doctors that I name my crush's parents) let me go home but my hands were full of bandages.At least I was sleeping at Eivey that was suspicious because she already picked up a dress and makeup model and all that crap,but,suddenly she doesn't want to go anymore. 

I was too tired to be the detective so I went to sleep. At about 22:00 p.m. I woke up in a bed full of dresses and makeup stuff and high-heels. 

"Are you coming or not? I need you to tell me what shoes I should wear and then we will pick up something for you,too." Eivey said as she was getting her hair ready. I immediately knew what was going on and I won't let it happend.

'Sorry,I can't hear you. This pillow is too fluffy and perfect." I said shoving my face in it.

"That's what George will say when he will see you." She said laughing.

"WHAT?!' I said feeling insulted but happy at the same time.

"Just kidding,c'mon! Let's put that dress in you and let's go. I will take the hair." She said stealing the blanket from me. She showed me a dress that she and the step-monster picked up (I checked for any type of itching powder or things like that.) Surprisingly clear. I can't deny the fact that the dress was really gorgeous. I was black with a fuzzy and a little transparent layers. At the top it had no straps and at the back it had a zipper from the shoulder tho the end of the top. Does Eivey think that I am a stripper or something? She really wanted me to go to prom bragging about stuff like:"This is your special night!" and "Could you be more wild and cool?" Yeah, watching lame movies and eating nutella,I am a pretty wild person.

I got dressed and went to the bathroom to fix my hair. I saw my bandages. George's mother said that they will itch a little but I din't feel anything. I got them off and it was healed. It was like nothing happened. That was not surprising after I burned a hole house down so...

I looked in the mirror. In everybody's eyes I was a normal person. I was the only one who saw itself as a..uhh..unknown creature? My image was blurred. One second I was normal and then I was full of blood or electricity or fire or anything...everything but makeup and a slutty dress.It's like I am the only question that I don't have an answer to.

I convinced Eivey to let me wear my converse shoes to prom. She said that George was picking us up.It was something really weird with that night but like I said...I'm too tired to be the smart-ass detective that I usually am. 

After I noticed I was thinking out loud Eivey entered:

"Enough with the questions. This is our night. Don't ruin it." Did she heard me? I wasn't sure that I will control my powers but what I was sure about is that I was going to hurt someone and that was probably me.

 After 30 minutes George came with his blue truck that is exactly like mine but mine is orange. He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and a green bow. Could he be more sexy? He smiled and said:

"So you decided to come."More like forced. I gave a thank-you-so-much-look to Eivey.She smiled,but a you're-fuc*ing-welcome smile."We are going to enter in the chic jungle so beware, fake jaguars are approaching." George said as we got close to the school and saw all the limo's.

The main room was filled with fancy girls and bad dancers and music and lights and alcohol etc. As soon as we entered Eivey ran to her girly friends to talk about her dress and stuff. It was just me and George.

A good song started:" wan't to dance?" He asked a little bit shy. I dind't knew what to say so I said no because I am a horrible dancer.

"I still feel a little bit weak from the accident. Can we try later when I will be too drunk to care about my dance moves?" 

"Sure."he said,a little disappointed but a little bit revealed,too. We drank a little bit punch and went for a walk in the schoolyard.

"Have you got any idea what happened today? With your hands? And why are they perfectly fine now?"oops... 

"Uhhh...No...I mean they were fine when I checked to replace the bandage"I said trying to be confident but failing.

"Aham...than why are you so quiet tonight?" 

"Maybe because you are staying near a bomb? I don't know anything about what is happening to me or if I can control it..." we stopped and he put his hands on my shoulders and said:

"Your are not a bomb.If you were, you can easily be detonated. You just need to guess correct the wire to cut.And they are not a lot." He said smiling and trying to lean closer to me. I pushed back because I didn't knew what my emotions or my powers will do. I don't want to hurt him.

Eivey called me and told me that the photographer for the prom got sick and vomited in the middle of a photo shoot and they needed someone to replace him and science I was pretty good at it I said that I can make a few pictures. But they weren't a few...a hole bunch of student were waiting at the entrance to have a photo with them and their partner that they will be too drunk to remember at the end of the night.

So I ended up taking hundreds photos and George welcoming the students.

"You know you don't need to stay here,right?" I said as I looked at him trough the camera.

"Yeah,but I came here with" Wait,wait,wait...With me?Do you mean like a date? I tried not to blush."what else better can I do?" 

After Mr. White (the photography teacher) came to replace and say that he will give me an A for the good pictures we went on the dance floor. Don't ask me why because I don't know.

"Look...we have nothing but that doesn't mean that you have to be distant. You never know.." I interrupted him:

"George...I finally got to breath...just that...right here with you...this is perfect. Can we just dance on this slow song?' I said lifting my eyes in looking right into his.He agreed.

Author's Note:

Hey and thanks for reading. I wanted to write a normal chapter with no supernatural just to get you ready for the next one. No spoilers but beware...It all goes down.

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