The mysterious figure...

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The mysterious figure picked up Lea and headed towards the door but Adam put his hand on the figure's shoulder and "it" turned around. Adam held out his hand and the figure put a bag in Adams hand and then walked out of the door with Lea.
The mysterious figure finally got to Lea's house and Lea's mom opened the door and she didn't say a word when she was Lea in the figures arms. The figure took Lea into her room and placed her on her bed and the figure got and ice pack for Lea's head, the figure then placed the ice pack on the back of Lea's head.

"Aw, what did he do to you" The figure whispered to Lea even though she was blacked out.The figure leaned in to kiss Lea's forehead Lea started breathing and slowly started to open her eyes, the figure sat back up and Lea turned her head to face the mysterious figure, her eyes grew wider.

"Nathan?" Lea recognized the figure as Nathan and she went to get up to give him a hug but her head dropped her back to her pillow.

"Ah" Lea held her head where the pain was.

"Baby. don't move your head. What did Adam do to you?" Nathan advised her to keep her head on her pillow and stroked her forehead softly.

"What?" Lea was confused when Nathan had asked about Adam and what he had done to her."What are you talking about?"  

"you were--" Nathan stopped his sentence because he knew Lea had forgotten about going to Adams and he didn't want to remind her about it.

"Never mind baby forget about it" Nathan smiled and leaned in to  kiss Lea.

"What are you doing back here anyway, i thought you were at Australia" Lea  tried to sit her self back up but Nathan stopped her and slowly lifted her head on his chest.

"Er-- i only had to get do something for a friend" Nathan hesitated to find an answer for Lea's question. Lea didn't replied she just closed her eyes and fell asleep on Nathans chest. 

As Nathan was about to fall asleep his phone rang.

"Hello?" ... 

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