Chapter 2- Love at first sight

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Ross (pov)

I started eating, why not, everyone was at the table now. Once I was done eating I wanted to go upstairs but I couldn't because it was my turn to do the dishes. Everyone has to take turns doing the dishes. Today was my turn. Oh well, I should just get this over with.

"Hey Ross" came a voice behind me. I startled when I found out it was my sister,

"You scared the heck out of me, what's your problem." I started yelling.

"I'm sorry, Ross I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to um talk to you." Rydel said.

"What is it?" I said.

"Wanna go shopping with me, Rocky and Ryland." Rydel asked.

"Sure, I will go with you." I answered.

So I went upstairs to my and Ryland's room. I stripped down to my and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I washed all my body parts then turned off the water. Then I got out of the shower and got dressed. I wear ripped jeans and on the top I wear a shirt that was shaved like a V.

Once I got dressed I went downstairs. I opened my door and got into the car. Once we were in the shopping mall, we shopped for like 4 hours. I got so tired that I decided to take a break. We went to eat something.

We decided to eat Mcdonald. Rydel got a phone call so she went somewhere I don't know where. Rocky went to order some Mcdonald and some french fries Then he got back and Ryland went to get drinks.

Before he went he asked, "What kind of drink do you want?"

"I like coke" Rocky said.

"Ok, What about you Ross." He asked me.

"I guess I will have some Fanta." I replied.

After 2 hours we had everything. I opened my sandwich and started eating. I just love Mcdonalds. I know they are junk food, but I can't help it. Once we we were done with our food. I took out my phone, I looked up at Rocky and Ryland they had their phones out too.

After what felt like a long time, we decided to go back home. But before we could get up. Ryland dropped his phone. Me and Rocky both looked at Ryland like What's wrong dude.

He pointed his hand, we followed his hand and we also were awed by the girls sitting near the front. We kept staring and staring. I noticed a beautiful girl. She was so beautiful I was too surprised to move.

One of the girls told her friends, "hey, those boys there keep on staring at us. But the blond hair likes you Laura."

Laura (pov)

"What." I said looking back, I saw the most handsome guy in the world. I think I was staring at him because one of my friend Amanda woke me from my dream.

"Hey, what's wrong, don't tell me you fall in love with that blonde," said Natasha.

My other friend.

"What, of course not, I mean I don't even know him." I said.

"If you say so Laura." she replied

Ross (pov)

That beautiful girl was staring at me. Could it be that she likes me. Omg, I am acting like a girl, I should be calm. I took 2 long breaths and finally relaxed. I hope she likes me back because I am in love with that beautiful girl. I can't help it. She is so god damn beautiful. If only I knew her name. It is ok to fall in love with a girl right. Falling in love with a girl is different to falling in love with a guy, I mean if you fell for a guy that would mean your gay. I don't want to be gay and be hated by my fans and family. Falling in love with a girl is different because then no one hates you. All the fans might get jealous but they won't hate you/me.

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