Do Flatmates Usually Sleep Together? - Chim

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Chapter One

It’s only been 3 days since me and my flatmates decided to put an advert in the local paper advertising that we had a room spare and we were willing to let it out. We’d already had numerous calls from people saying that they were interested, so me and the girls decided to hold an audition type process so we could get to know them first before deciding on who to give the room to. I live in a five bed roomed house with my 3 best friends, there’s Nadine the Irish charmer, Nicola the bubbly scouser, Sarah the loud mouth alcoholic and me the classy girl from Bradford. We’ve been best friends for about 7 years now and have lived together for the past 4 we get on great. Obviously with 4 girls living together there is bound to be arguments and there is, sometimes but we get past that. I don’t know what I’d do without them.

So today’s the day we’re holding the auditions. We’ve had 13 people interested in the flat both male and female and I called them all up with a time saying when to come and we’d interview them. There’s a knock on the door so I go and answer it, I know it’s going to be the first person. Sarah, Nadine and Nicola are in the living room waiting as I open the door.

“Hello, I’ve come about the room to let.” A blonde haired girl says to me.

“Hi, I’m Kimberley if you’d like to come in and it’s the first door on your right.” I say gesturing towards the hallway.

She steps past the threshold and walks past me turning right into the living room, I hear the others introduce themselves as I close the front door. I make my way back into the living room and sit down next to Nicola on the couch. We decided to spread out as not to intimidate the people we were interviewing. Me and Nicola were on the couch, Nadine and Sarah on the other couch and the empty chair was for the person we were interviewing. 

As I sit down the girl introduces herself to me. Her name is Nicole. Bit confusing as I’ve got a Nicola sat next to me I think to myself. The girls have already introduced themselves so I get to work on the set of questions we all came up with.

“Do you work?” I ask her.

“I don’t no, I’m in Uni studying law.” She replies.

Okay so I’m a little unsure how she’s gonna pay the bills, but least we’ll get free legal advice if we ever get arrested.

“Do you smoke?” I ask.

“No I don’t.” She says back, judging by the look on her face she thinks this is a good answer.

Nope, we all smoke so it’s going to be awkward if our new roomie doesn’t there is no way I’m going outside freezing my tits off for a nicotine fix. We all smoke in the kitchen. As she’s telling me her answers I write them down, I’ve already put a cross next to her name.

“What do you like to do in your spare time?” 

“I don’t know.” She says shrugging her shoulders.

Well me and the girls like to get p!ssed and throw wild parties, this definitely isn’t our new roomie. Too boring. I start doodling on the piece of paper in front of me as the other girls ask her some questions. I find myself disliking the girl even more.

“Okay well thanks for coming, we’ll be in touch.” I say as I see her out.

I make my way back into the living room to find the others looking bored.

“Okay so that one is a no only 12 more to go.” I say laughing at their facial expressions. 

After the twelfth person leaves I sit back down and sigh loudly. Not one person connected with us or left a lasting impression. I sit there talking to the girls until I hear the doorbell go.

“Right last chance.” I say getting up to open the door.

When I open the door I can’t help but gasp at the girl in front of me. She’s gorgeous. She’s petite with long brown hair, her big dimples showing themselves when she smiles, and what she’s wearing. WOW! She looks incredible. I mentally shake myself and welcome her inside. I guide her into the living room and point to were she will be sitting. She introduces herself to all of us and tells us her name is Cheryl, Cheryl Tweedy. She has an accent too. God I love her accent.

“So Cheryl, if you don’t mind me asking do you work?” 

“I do yes, I’m a fashion photographer. I have my own business.” She replies.

Wow I think, gorgeous and talented. Nice.

I comment on her having her own business, telling her that I think it’s amazing.

“Do you smoke?” I ask.

“Yes, I hope that won’t be a problem and if it is I’m more than willing to go outside, swallow a bottle of mouthwash after I’ve been.” She says laughing at her own joke. God this girl is cute.

“No that isn’t a problem, we all smoke too so we wanted someone who was a smoker too.” I say to her.

“What do you like to do in your spare time?”

“Alcohol.” She says laughing.

“Great answer.” Sarah says winking at Cheryl.

“I work all week so weekends are usually spent relaxing with a bottle of wine or painting the town red.” Cheryl explains to us.

“You’ll get on with Sarah then.” I say gesturing towards the blonde opposite me.

I go through some more questions with her and the other girls ask her some too. I’m not paying attention to her answers though. I’m too busy staring at her, she’s just so adorable. Her dimples are just the cutest too. I’m willing her silently to smile more just so I can see them. She catches me looking at her and blushes slightly but I can’t seem to divert my gaze and I smile at her. She looks back towards Nadine who’s asking her something and I force myself to look away from her and engage in the conversation. 

Once everyone has asked what they wanted to ask, I take Cheryl to the door telling her I’ll be in touch. She thanks me and leaves.

I go back into the living room to find the others deep in conversation.

“We have to have her as our flatmate.” Sarah says to me.

“What cos she likes a drink?” I ask her laughing.

“No she’s the only one who had a personality, the only one who smiled whilst we were asking the questions. Everyone else’s face looked like a slapped arse.” Sarah said

“I agree, I think she’s perfect, what do you two think.” I say looking between Nadine and Nicola.

“We like her.” They say together.

“So that’s it then were all agreed that Cheryl is our new roomie?” I ask

“Agreed.” They say unanimously. 

I ring Cheryl to tell her the good news and she’s just as enthusiastic about moving in as I am. I smile as I hang up the phone. I really can’t wait until she moves in. 

Do Flatmates Usually Sleep Together? - ChimWhere stories live. Discover now