Chapter 2

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It’s Friday, and I’m so happy, not because it’s the weekend, it’s because Cheryl’s moving in today. The other girls are just as excited. We’re going to have a few drinks tonight, that’s if Cheryl’s up for it. I hope so. I’ve been eagerly counting down the days and now it’s finally here. I’m a little nervous, I don’t know why though. She just has this effect on me.

The door goes and I get up to go answer it, I know it’s Cheryl so I’m not surprised when I open the door and find her standing behind it. She has a huge grin on her face, showing off her gorgeous dimples. She’s carrying a huge box and judging by the huge van behind her she has alot more of them. I offer to take the box off her but she declines and asks me instead to direct her to her room. I tell her it’s the second one on the left and she walks past me and goes up the stairs. 

“You can help me by getting some boxes out of the van though if you don’t mind.” She shouts to me from the landing.

I go outside and take some small boxes from the van and carry them inside making my way upstairs with them. I put the boxes down in Cheryl’s room and go back downstairs to get more. It only took a few trips up and down to get them all, I actually thought she’d have more boxes because the van as so big. Turns out it was her brothers van and she borrowed it because it was free of charge. It was just me and Cheryl together unloading the van, all the other girls were out. I didn’t mind though it was kind of fun, okay it WAS fun. Cheryl flashed me her dimples quite alot so I’m not complaining. I put the last box in her room and tell her that I’ll leave her to unpack and to give me a shout if she needs anything. She thanks me and I go downstairs to make a cup of tea.

I make myself a cup of tea and stand leaning against the kitchen counter with it between my hands warming me up. I wonder to myself whether I should go up and ask Cheryl if she’d like one. Maybe I’ll leave it for a while and let her settle in. I make my way into the living room and switch the TV on, I sit there for a while flicking through the channels nothing interesting catching my eye. I almost jump out of my skin when I feel Cheryl’s hands on my shoulders.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to make you jump.” She said to me with a cute little smile on her face.

“It’s okay” I reply whilst turning around to face her.

“Is everything ok?” I ask.

“Yeah I’ve unpacked nearly everything, didn’t really have alot of stuff.” She says to me.

I offer to make her a cup of tea which she accepts so I get up and go into the kitchen to make her one, Cheryl follows me and sits on one of the kitchen stools.

“Me and the girls were thinking of having a drink tonight, you know to toast you moving in. We don’t have to if you’re not up to it, we can do it some other time?” I say to her, hoping she says yes.

She tells me that she’d love to and she’ll pick some wine up whilst she’s out. She tells me that she needs to take the van back to her brother and get her car at the same time. I give her some money out of my purse and tell her to get 6 bottles of rose. She takes the money and leaves the house. 

For some reason I’m really excited about getting drunk with Cheryl. Usually when me and the girls drink together we play these silly games like spin the bottle or have you ever. It usually ends up with two of us snogging each other. I think I’m hoping I’ll get to kiss Cheryl. I don’t know why I feel like this. As soon as I saw her when she came to audition for the room I felt this feeling in the pit of my stomach, every time she smiled I felt it, abit like butterflies. I can’t help but fancy her she’s gorgeous. I doubt anything is going to happen. She’s probably straight and everyone else thinks I am, except the other girls I live with. I’m actually bisexual but more gay. I’ve had a few boyfriends, never slept with them though, I've always been attracted to girls too. I’ve been with a girls before and I'm constantly thinking about being with them. The day after I met Cheryl I had a rather erotic dream about the two of us. Now I can’t stop wishing it was real. 


I go upstairs and into my bedroom, looking into my wardrobe trying to find something to wear tonight, it had to be casual as we were staying in and I doubt the others would be dressing up. I wanted something casual but sexy. Something that said “look at me aren’t I pretty” without looking too desperate.

I decide on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and this gorgeous new top I bought the other week. It’s brown and beige and shows of my cleavage nicely. Yes this is perfect. I seek out my new Victoria Secrets underwear. I don’t know why I’m getting dressed up in sexy underwear it’s not like anybody’s going to see them no matter how much I wish they were. I decide to wear a pair of beige heels too, the same colour beige as my top so they match perfectly. I lay my outfit down on the bed and go downstairs to the kitchen. 

I look around and realize that the house is actually quite messy, I decide to clean it whilst Cheryl is out so I get the vacuum out and start cleaning up. I don’t hear Cheryl come back as I’m vacuuming the stairs. She creeps up behinds me and puts her hands around my waist causing shivers up and down my spine and me to also scream like a little girl.

“F*ck Cheryl.” I shout, laughing at my own reaction.

“I’m sorry babe, but the opportunity was too good to pass up.” Cheryl replied in hysterics. 

“I thought you were buying wine.” I said gesturing towards her empty hands.

“Kitchen babe.” She said smiling before leaving me to it.

I put the vacuum away and go into the kitchen to find a number of bags on the kitchen counter. I empty all the bags and find that not only did Cheryl get the 6 bottles of wine that I asked her to get but she also got two litre bottles of vodka, and what looked like the whole of Tesco’s snack aisle. I put the things away before going upstairs to Cheryl’s room. I knock on the door and wait for her to say “come in” before I go into the room. She’s kneeling on the floor surrounded by a load of shoes. I smile at her and gesture towards the boxes still on the bed.

“Want any help babe?” I ask her.

“It’s okay babe thanks, those are empty just these shoes to put away then I’ll come join you for a cuppa.” 

She said smiling, and I found myself smiling back, well more like grinning back like some weird loon. 

“Hurry up then.” I said winking at her. 

Yes winking, urgh I cringed to myself, why did I wink. Oh well too late now. I leave Cheryl’s room and go back downstairs everywhere is tidy now so I go and flick the kettle on getting two cups out of the cupboard and putting tea bags and milk into them. It didn’t take long for Cheryl to put her shoes away as she was standing next to me before the kettle had finished boiling.

“You were quick.” I said to her.

“You said hurry.” She replied winking at me.

OMG! Cheryl actually winked at me, okay Kimberley calm down it was just a wink, yeah but still A WINK! She winked at me! I stand there just grinning like an idiot. Not saying anything, God I must look like a fool with this stupid goofy grin on my face.

“You’re adorable.” Cheryl says to me reaching past me to pour the water into the cups.

Okay I think I’ve officially died, she winks at me then calls me adorable. Jeez Kim you really do have it bad. I’m so excited for tonight. Maybe Cheryl will be seeing my sexy underwear after all.

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