Chapter 5

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I stayed in bed for a while after Cheryl had left, thoughts swirling around my head. I had been about to tell her how amazing it was but instead she’d interrupted me and told me it was a mistake. Any feelings I thought I had for Cheryl were gone, I was angry. She’d led me on all night, flirting, then she kisses me and gets my hopes up and now lets me fall right back down to earth with a bang. I throw the covers off me and get up out of bed. I need to take some pain killers for this raging headache and I need a coffee. I’m hoping that Cheryl won’t be downstairs when I go. I throw a dressing gown around me and throw my hair up into a pony tail. I look in the mirror and quite frankly I look like sh!t. Great. At least it matches how I feel because I feel like sh!t too.

I make my way downstairs, I know Sarah won’t be up. She never is after a night of drinking somewhere late afternoon she’ll surface. I walk into the kitchen and see Cheryl sitting at the table with Nicola and Nadine. They all look up as I walk in, I say hi to Nicola and Nadine and completely blank Cheryl. They all have a drink in their hands so I just make myself one. I pick up my cup of coffee and leave the kitchen not bothering to look at Cheryl on my way out.

I sit down on the couch and sigh, yesterday everything was going great. Me and Cheryl got on brilliantly. I’d gotten my hopes up that something would happen, but to be honest that was my fault because up until Cheryl kissed me she’d given me no reason to think something would happen. That was my doing. I’d gotten my own hopes up and now I felt like sh!t because nothing had planned out how I wanted it to go. Could I really blame Cheryl? Yeah she’d kissed me last night, left me wanting more then this morning said it was a mistake but she hadn’t actually led me on it was more of my own doing that contributed to how I felt now. Maybe I should just swallow my pride and go and speak to her. I think i was more disappointed than anything. Disappointed that I didn’t get my own way so I was blaming Cheryl. Maybe I’ll just let myself be angry for a while. 
I pick up my coffee and take a sip of it, letting the hot liquid run down my throat. I place my cup down on the table and reach for my bag taking out a packet of painkillers and swallowing two. Hopefully they’ll kick in soon. I pick up my drink and carry on drinking it. Nicola comes in and sits down next to me looking at me weird.

‘What was that all about earlier?’ She asked me.
‘What do you mean?’ I replied to her. I knew what she was going to say, she was going to ask why I’d ignored Cheryl.
‘You came in and completely ignored Cheryl.’ She said, raising her eyebrow.
‘No I didn’t I said hello to all of you.’ I lied.
‘Sure Kimba. You and I both know you didn’t. What’s going on I thought you liked her, I thought you wanted her to move in?’ She whispered to me.

What do I say to her? Do I lie or do I tell her exactly what happened.

‘Nothing happened, I didn’t ignore her. Get off my back Nic.’ I replied through gritted teeth. I slammed my cup down on the table spilling it everywhere and stormed out of the room seeking solace in my empty bedroom.

I flopped down on the bed and sighed, how could things have gotten like this. Why was I so upset that Cheryl had said it was a mistake, I barely even knew the girl. She’d been living with us for less than 48 hours but yet it felt like a lifetime. I knew what it was. I’d fallen for her and she didn’t return the feelings. 

I climbed back into bed hoping to go back to sleep but the way I was feeling I knew it wouldn’t be happening anytime soon. I pulled the covers up over my head and let the tears that had been building up fall. There was a knock on the door and I pulled the covers away from my face a little bit.

‘Go away.’ I shouted to whoever it was.

They knocked again.

Can’t they just leave me in peace. I pulled the covers back and swung the door open, not even bothering to wipe the tears away.

‘WHAT?!’ I shouted as I opened the door.

Cheryl jumped back slightly. I wasn’t expecting her to be the one knocking.

‘Kimberley what’s the matter, why are you crying?’ She asked taking a step towards me.
‘Nothing leave me alone.’ I whispered. I really couldn’t be doing with this right now.

She stepped right up towards me and placed a hand on my cheek wiping away my tears with her thumb.

‘It doesn’t look like nothing.’ She said giving me a sad smile.

I leaned into her touch, feeling her hand against me just made my heart melt. It felt heavenly. I mentally shook myself. She doesn’t like you like that you have to protect yourself, I thought to myself.

I pulled away from Cheryl and stepped back into my room.

‘I’m fine.’ I said closing the door in her face.

I lay back down on my bed and let out a cry, letting the tears crash down my face. I wasn’t fine. My head was a mess and I couldn’t understand why I was so bothered.

I didn’t hear the door open, I was too busy crying. It was only when I felt someone climb into bed behind me and place an arm over my waist did I look up slightly.

It was Cheryl.

‘It doesn’t look like you’re fine.’ She whispered. 

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