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I do not own any of the characters, places, magic or any of the Harry Potterness. I would love to own them, especially Draco ;) However, the belong to the wonderful JK Rowling who I love loads for creating the HP series and the magic. The song doesn't belong to me either, that belongs to Christina Aguilera. The pictures don't belong to me either.


Beautiful - Christina Aguilera

Everyday is so wonderful, then suddenly, it's hard to breathe

Now and then I get insecure, from all the pain

I'm so ashamed

My life used to be perfect. I had money, power, a loving family and everything else I had ever wanted. I was a Malfoy after all. My life was great. It was the best. I could go around tormenting the people who were less worthy than me, those people who were tainted with dirty blood or who disregarded the key to being a moral wizard or witch - mudbloods, blood traitors and half-bloods. And the Golden Trio were the best to pick on. They included a member from each category. I despised that group with great passion. First, there was Saint Potter, wearing that scar as if Merlin himself had gifted it to him and having intense urges to go and save the world. Then the Weasel with his flaming red hair and worthless status.  And then there was Mudblood Granger, the brain of the group. The frizzy haired, bossy, bucktooth, know-it-all always seemed to be able to aggravate me at any time.

Never had I thought that this burning hatred would finally smoulder down into just a pile of ashes. 

With my back to the wall, I stood alone in the Great Hall, watching the others filled in it sob and hug, mourn and celebrate. Some stood with their family, some stood alone like me. I had lost both my parents in the war. The Dark Lord murdered my father because he had attempted to defend me. The Dark Lord believed I had turned against him and wished to kill me. My father objected which cost him his life. The Dark Lord also murdered my mother. She betrayed him by claiming that Harry Potter was dead when he was indeed alive. My godfather, Snape, was killed by Nagini. Aunt Bella had been killed by Mrs. Weasley, but she deserved that. Now, I was completely alone. 

I looked around at the damage caused. No one here should've lost their families and friends like this. Not even me, however cold hearted I am. I had lost my family and friends too, people I had loved.  Why had all this been caused anyway? Flipping my mind through my years and the historical facts, a bell rang in my head. This war, this devastation, was the fault made by people like me. People who were prejudiced. People who were narrow minded and stupid. Instantly, I felt ashamed. I regretted everything I'd ever done or said to anyone that was prejudiced and wrong. I had lost my family and friends due to beliefs I had learnt. The fact hit me like a bomb. 

 My eyes fell on the Golden Trio. They had been through so much. I'd heard the stories of them traveling around the country and killing parts of the Dark Lord's soul, encountering my vicious Aunt in my manor and even breaking into her Gringotts vault. I felt a flicker of admiration as I watched them. Granger gave Weasley a quick kiss then enveloped him into an embrace as they both cried. The female Weasley had her head buried in Potter's chest as she too sobbed. I looked at what they were huddling around and I saw one of the Weasley twins lying in Mrs. Weasley's lap as her tears fell onto his stone like face. He was dead. Guilt washed through me. My beliefs caused the death of someone who was young, happy, carefree and would have had such an amusing life to look forward to. 

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