Because of You

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I do not own any of the characters, places, magic or any of the Harry Potterness. I would love to own them, especially Draco ;) However, the belong to the wonderful JK Rowling who I love loads for creating the HP series and the magic. The song doesn't belong to me either, that belongs to Kelly Clarkson. The pictures don't belong to me either.


Because of You - Kelly Clarkson

September 5th.

The day had come round again.

But this time, Draco vowed that this would be the last time he would mourn on this day. After three years, it was time to live in the present. This would be the last day he’d allow his past to dwell and merge with his present life. He’d accomplished so much and it was now time to face the final hurdle no matter how hard it would be.

Part of him didn’t want to move on. It was too difficult, too much effort, too much grief. But he knew if he continued, he would be successful. He could live life once again. Live life with her beside him. With Hermione Granger. They could be in peace at last. It all just took one move on his part.

On September 5th three years ago, his parents were murdered by a hoard of angry death eaters. He was rescued by the Aurors that came as soon as they were alerted. Draco was distraught by his parents’ death, he was only nineteen, but he knew it was coming. They were not great people. Karma always comes back around. It was written in their fate.

Yet he found himself still mourning about their death. They were still humans. Through bad influence, they had become how they were. Yes, they deserved what they got… but he still wished that the event never happened. They were still his parents, his family, his kin. Without them, he’d lost his strength and authority. He’d lost a part of him. That part had vanished along with his parents.

Walking in a trance with Hermione by his side, he headed to a bench next to the Thames. It was dusk. The sky had turned various shades of pinks and purples until it eventually turned a dark blue. The gusty wind blew the orange leaves up and down, left and right in the early autumn scene. Small birds sang as they headed to their nests and bid a long day goodbye. Passersby rushed home while pulling their coats snugly around them, eager to see their family or go to bed and call it a day.

But the day wasn’t over for Draco. Oh no. It was just the beginning of the end.

The contrasting duo sat together on the bench, close together but not too close. It would have been a shocking sight to see a couple of years ago but now it was quite normal. Yet anyone from the Wizarding World would still stare wide eyed at the Pureblood and the Muggle-born sitting together no matter how many years had passed.

Hermione reached into her small pink beaded purse and extracted a notepad and pen out of it. Draco watched with blank eyes. He was slightly curious as to why she had brought those items but he didn’t show it or ask. He sat there unfazed as if he was under the Petrificus Totalus curse, only his eyes moved with her actions.

She handed him the items and he took it, his arm trembling from how hard it was tensed due to his current situation. “Write” was all she said as she stared into the depth of his grey pools. He looked at her and allowed the first flicker of emotions from the past hour to enter his eyes – bewilderment.

What was she thinking? What was she expecting him to do? “Write,” she repeated. Slowly, he opened the notepad to a fresh clean page. She told him to write and he decided to comply. But what to write?

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