If Tomorrow Never Comes

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Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters, places, magic or any of the Harry Potterness - They belong to JK. The song doesn't belong to me either, that belongs to Ronan Keating. The pictures don't belong to me either.

Sorry for the long wait guys but this is just a side project to me. I am planning on writing an actual Dramione story in the future but right now, I don't have the time. I'm struggling finding time to write my main novel.


If Tomorrow Never Comes - Ronan Keating 

Sometimes late at night

I lie awake and watch her sleeping

She's lost in peaceful dreams

So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark

And the thought crosses my mind

If I never wake up in the morning

Would she ever doubt the way I feel

About her in my heart

There she lay, sleeping peacefully in his arms. Her closed eyes were framed with her fanned out thick lashes. He wished she'd open them so that he could explore the depths of those beautiful brown orbs. But for now, she was better off as she was - asleep.

He noticed the tear tracks that had paved their way down her pale cheeks. He felt somewhat guilty for those. He'd caused those tears to be spilt. But it wasn't his fault! He had no choice! 

They had argued just an hour ago. It was a heated argument. Both were as stubborn as the other, refusing to be the one to back down. That was one of their similarities. One of the many similarities that they didn't know that they shared. Their fierce dispute finally ended when the frizzy haired brunette collapsed into tears. It always made Draco weak seeing her like that.

Tucking a strand of frizzy hair behind her ear, he remembered the latest moments with Hermione:


Meet me on the astronomy tower at midnight.


He had sent that note with one of the school owls to Hermione. The time had come and it was time to reveal it to Hermione. As he waited on top of the astronomy tower, he gazed at the peaceful sky with the twinkling stars and soft crescent moon. Tomorrow night, he knew that the tranquility surrounding the Hogwarts castle would be broken by a green skull and snake that would bring fear into everyone's lives. 

He could hear footsteps climbing up the stairs. Checking his watch, he saw that it was midnight. The footsteps should be Hermione but he couldn't be positive. It could be Filch or another teacher and that would only lead to trouble. So, Draco hid in the shadows, waiting for the figure to reveal itself first.

"Draco?" came a whisper. As Draco peeked from the shadows, he noticed a small slender figure with a mane of curly hair illuminated by the moonlight. Yes, that's Hermione, he thought with a smirk. He walked out of the shadow and stood by the railing. He heard the soft patter of footsteps coming and joining him.

"What's wrong, Draco?" she had asked in a hushed whisper, afraid to break the delicate atmosphere around them. Draco didn't answer straight away. He was uncertain. Should he really go with this? Should he actually tell her? He remained silent while he questioned his motives and gazed out into the darkness.

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