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Jay blinked and open his eyes to see he was in a dark room. "Hello? Anyone there!"yelled Jay

Jay only heard an evil laugh. The room was beyond cold, forcing Jay to hold herself for warmth. "Guys?"


Bell tried using her power but couldn't. "Stupid m-"

"Okay bell don't start swearing"said stratosphere

"Well what am I suppose to do? Jay is Out there and I have no magic what so ever!"yelled bell

"Take a chill pull"said red blood

Bell was gonna throw him a fire ball but remembered she has no magic. "Aww what is wrong? Smol belly cant use her magic? How sad"teases red blood

"I don't need magic to best your flat ass red blood!"yelled bell

"Okay guys calm down! We need to find Jay and help lavender! And we srent beating red bloods flat ass!"yelled atmosphere

"My ass is not flat!"yelled red blood

"Yes it is"said stratosphere

"How would you know?"said atmosphere

"He stares duh"said bell

"Do not! Bell said he has a flat ass! And I'm just comforming!"said stratosphere

"I said it as an insult. I didn't know he actually did. You confirmed he did so you must be looking at his butt to know"said bell

"I! Ugh! I need new friends"said stratosphere

"You need a new life"said red blood

Why am I throwing so much shade at me oml!


Lavender was looking three the library. "Where is that book?"asked lavender

"What book?"asked harmony

"Bells dark magic book"said lavender

"Uh it's in her room cause Its her book. Why would you need her book?"asked harmony

"Cause I do"said lavender

Lavender grabbed harmonies wrist and dragged her to the living room. "Zelo"said lavender

Zelo only has time to look up before he was dragged to bell room along with harmony. "Okay harmony you look out for bell, me and Zelo will look for bells dark magic book. Do a bird sound when you see her coming"said lavender

"But we aren't allowed in bells room"said harmony

"But we will be helping find Jay with this. You wanna find Jay right?"said lavender

"Yes"said both harmony and Zelo

"Then do this"said lavender

Lavender and Zelo walked into bells room. "Zelo!"yelled bell

"Umma needs me"said Zelo

"No!"said lavender

Lavender grabbed zelos wrist. "But Umma needs me"said Zelo

"I need you more so stay"snarled lavender

"I only listen to Umma"said Zelo

Zelo jerked his wrist away. "Of you go I will tell bam bam"smirked lavender

"You wouldn't"said Zelo

"Zelo!"yelled bell

"So who is it? Me or bell?"asked lavender

Zelo sighed and began looking. So did lavender. "Zelo! Ugh! This child!"yelled bell

Bell walked up. "Zelo!"yelled bell

Harmony saw bell. Harmony gasped and yelled bells name. "Oh no"said Zelo

Bell saw harmony by her door and her door open. "Why is my door opened? And where is Zelo?"asked bell

"Uh im not sure. I saw him go out with ash"lied harmony

Both Zelo and lavender knee harmony sucked at lying cause eventually she would tell the truth. "Harmony,why are you lying to me! I walked by ash!"yelled bell

"Urm in the morning they were......urm the wind?"said harmony

Bell snarled. "Harmony I'm gonna ask you only once, why is the door to my room opened?"asked bell

"I went in because I forgot my seeater! I'm sorry. To make it up I'll slap stratosphere! Lets go!"yelled harmony

Harmony was trying her best to drag bell. But bell wouldn't move

To be continued

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