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Jay was making cookies with aqua. "Aqua make sure they have equal frosting"said Jay

"How is that possible?"asked aqua

"Go figure"said Jay

"This is how you know your bells child"said aqua with a sigh

Jay glared and hit aqua with a cookie sheet


"Lavender can we talk"asked red blood

"Sure"said lavender

"I know why you pushed bell off her stairs"said red blood

Lavender stood still. "And so does stratosphere" said red blood

Lavender looked at red blood "how do yo-"

"How do we know? Have you forgoten about kryptonite? And the empires? We aren't stupid lavender. We know sombra is back"said red blood

"Please don't tell bell"begged lavender

"Don't you think bell deserves to know that an evil force has Rosen up to take over equestria?"asked red blood

"Why are you faithful anyways?"asked lavender

"Why are you so closed up thinking we don't know crap?"asked red blood

"Damn"said lavender

"Damn is right. So.....what are you gonna do about your dad?"asked red blood

Lavender looked at red blood. "Are you gonna banish him? Tell him off? What are you gonna do? Cause if you don't want our help, then it's all on you and what actions you decided to take"said red blood

Red blood walked out. "Well screw you"said lavender


Bell was with harmony playing a game. "Okay lets settle this one and for all"said harmony

Bell glared and nodded. "Winner takes all?"

"Winner takes all"

Bell and harmony raised their hands up. "Ready when you are bell"

"I was born ready"

They glared at each other. "Kai bai bo!!" yelled both girls (rock, paper, scissors)

Bell for rick, and harmony got scissors. "Ha! I won bitch! Thake that!"yelled bell

"No fair! Best out of three"said harmony

-second round-
Bell = scissors
Harmony = paper

-Thrid round-
Bell = rock
Harmony = paper

"Ha! I won!"yelled harmony

"Once out of three"said bell 29th a smirk

"Ugh I hate this game"said harmony

"Now come on harmony. Only because I'm the best rock, paper, scissors player out there doesn't mean you don't have a chance....oh wait it does"said bell

Bell moved her player piece and she got to the finish line first. "Hand it over harmony"said bell

Bell extended her hand. Harmony took out her mermaid shell. "Here take it"said harmony

"Nice doing buissness with you"said bell

Bell got up and walked away. Geia looked at harmony. "What's so good about that shell?"asked geia

"In three...two...one"said harmony

The earth started shaking, everyone in the mansion began screaming, and soon a wave off water came, flooding the mansion before it settle down. Everyone was wet, and there was some sea animals on the floor. "Oh"said geia

"Ah! My cookies!"yelled Jay

"They are wet!"yelled aqua

"My make up! My eyeliner!"yelled melody

Harmony has seaweed on her hair. Bell walked in. "Thank you bitch"said bell as she have harmony the seashell back

"No problem"said harmony with a sigh

Lol what am I writting XD

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