New Sanctuary.

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The area and rooms around them were blood stained and empty. She keeps quite, examining the blood stains. The blood stains were of hand prints, blood puddles, and some were drag marks. She shivers at the thought of what happened in the hallway. Billy, Sal, Finn, and Weasel stay silent as they head toward the tunnels. Katie follows close behind Weasel as they walk. Billy looks around. "We're almost there."

"O-okay" she was kinda having second thought as she glances behind her, having the feeling they where being followed. There was no one behind them, nor any noise. She shivers softly, and continues following them. Sal looks back at her. "What got you so scared? You seemed pretty fearless at the first."

"That was before Ferguson, disapeared. I thought we killed em but he's still f**king alive! Doesn't that put you on edge?"

Sal scoffs. "He comes back, we kill him again!"

Just then Brutus's booming, gurgley voice roars through the hall even though he wasn't there. "I was always nice to you Sal and Finn!" Her eyes widen, yep that deffinetly set her off as she runs ahead of everyone down to the tunnels. Billy growls to himself. "F**k! Lets go!" All four of them quickly run after her. She continues running, making sure everyone was behind her. They continue running after her. "Sal! See why I'm on edge now?!" She continues running ahead. "Yeah yeah! I see!"

"Now can someone tell me which way I'm f**king going?" she slows down to a slight jogging run. "Keep running ahead, there will be a sign with large metal doors!"

"Okay! Thank you!" She starts running a bit faster, making sure they could keep up with her. They keep up with her as she glances back at them, partically at Weasel as she continues running. Weasel was in the back as everyone continues running, as she slows down and allows everyone to go in front of her as she follows beside Weasel. Once at the metal doors Billy and Sal open them.

Weasel and Finn run in along with Katie. They close the doors and lock them. She stops to catch her breath."That's it from now on... I won't read, or watch anything Zombie related ever again!" She pants softly. Weasel cries out as everyone looks over to see him falling over onto his back with a Zombie going down with him, snapping its jaws down at him. "oh Sh*t!" She quickly runs over and pulls the zombie off of him, and gets over him in a defensive pose. The zombie falls over onto its back then gets up, hissing at Katie. She hisses back."Sorry zombie! Al ain't a snack!~ Get your own cutie!" She then whips out her FAL and shoots the zombie in the head. It started to shuffle toward her but stopped and fell back dead once shot.

Sal huffs. "Cutie?" She puts the FAL up and blushes, just noticing she called Al a 'Cutie'. Weasel get up, brushing himself off. She giggles softly and looks back at him."You okay?~"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." She grins at him."Anytime~" He adjusts his jacket and hat then looks around and picks back up the supplies. "So where to next?" she looks over at Sal. Sal looks around. "There's a generator room down the hall." She nods."okay"

"I guess we take a break for now." He sits down and leans against the wall, setting his tommy gun down. She nudges the dead zombie with her foot."stupid zombies", she then walks over to a different wall and sits down next to it. Finn and Billy sit down, as Weasel walks over to a pillar and sets the box of supplies down next to it. She relaxes next to the wall, letting her long black hair down as it drapes down her face...creating a black veil of hair that covers her blush. He stretches and sits down, as a slightly playful thought crossed his mind. He thinks over the thought, He kinda liked the way Katie called him a 'cutie' and the fact that she acted quickly in saving him from becoming a snack. The smallest of grins crosses his lips but quickly fades as he looks at the ground. Katie sat eerily silent, her mind racing with mentel insults to herself for getting cocky and allowing herself to slip up and call him a cutie aloud. She did admit it was true and she thought he was absolutely adorable, but she also thought that he thought that she was a crazy psycho. Weasel did think that she was crazy, and now knowing she thinks he is cute. He would think more of her but his depression blocked it all, and being a pessimistic didn't help either. She silently starts to doze from being tired. He closes his eyes and relaxes, as her head droops to the side slightly as she starts to fall over onto her side. Sal was already asleep and Billy was dozing, Finn and Weasel were still awake. She makes a small tired yawn as she slumps to her right side and falls asleep. Soon enough everyone was asleep... A few hours go by as Katie wakes up with a small twitch, from an odd dream she had. Which she quickly relizes it wasn't a dream it was real as she looks around sleepily. Everyone around her was still asleep except for Billy, who was silently munching on some of the food while leaning against the wall next to Sal. She looks over at Billy and playfully teases."So your the one who's making those Munching noises, I thought I was being snacked on by a zombie~" He slightly chuckles. "Am I seriously making that much noise?" She giggles softly."No, I'm just teasing you billy" He chuckles and continues eating. She grins softly and sits up, streatching. He finishes and relaxes. "Hey billy, when I was little I used to read books about Zombies" she chuckles, thinking the situation she's in is kinda a coincidence. "The dead rising from the dead." He chuckles. "I never expected this. What ever is causing this, I really hope it hasn't spread to the city."

"if it did then that would suck...major A$$, once we are off this island I don't want to hear or talk about Zombies ever again."

"No kidding."

"If it did spread to the city, imagin if it Spread to the whole world! I don't even want to think about how many zombies there would be" "Millions and billions."

She shivers at the thought."I so hope it hasn't gotten out anywhere"


"it would also suck to be the last female alive"He chuckles more. "What?" She giggles softly. "Just the thought of one female left on Earth."

"Yeah" she jokes."And she's a psycho!~"


"now imagin your the last male on earth" she chuckles softly. "Man, it's hard to imagine that. Humanity, almost extinct, to the living dead! And I am the last male."

"Yeahhh and your tasked with helping repopulating the earth with a psycho Last female " she giggles softly. He groans in complaint playfully. "In that case, we'd go extinct." He grins. She laughs softly."I'm actually not that bad once you get to Know me Billy"

"Get to know me or not. I'm still the serial killer I've always been. And if you aren't so bad, why did you get put on Alcatraz?"

"oh unprovoked manslaughter, and they couldn't keep me in a nut house since I'd keep getting out and all~" she giggles cutely.

"So tell me, in that little mind of yours, do you remember how you became Krazy Katie?"

She giggles softly."Krazy Katie?~ well....I don't remember all because of what the doctors gave me~ so many f**king Mind altering Drugs! That I simply forgot how I got this way... All I know is that I am this way now.~"

"Ah. Doctors always tested my mental status." He chuckles. "How did you become a serial killer billy?"

"When I joined Sal's mob. He hired me to take care of the dirty work."

"Ah I see." She nods. "And eventually I was convicted of 116 counts of murder, all done in gruesome ways."

"The only Gruesome way I killed someone, was that I pulled his heart out of his chest right before his eyes~"

"Ooh, niiiice!" He grins. "Thanks~" she giggles. He chuckles. "What where some of your gruesome ways you killed people?~"

"Cutting open someone's stomach and watching their organs fall out. Another was jamming a pipe into their eye."

"That's one way to get Eye surgery~" she giggles. He chuckles. "Mind telling me how Finn, Sal, and Al got in here?"

"Finn because of gambling fraud, Sal because he was involved in gambling, prostitution, and distribution of alcohol. And Weasel because he was part of a Los Angeles heist."

"Prostitution? " she giggles and shakes her head. "Yeah, he loves prostitutes." She shakes her head more and giggles softly. He grins. "Wanna hear a corny joke?"

"Sure, why not." She nods and grins."A drunk stumbles out of a bar and spots a nun on the street corner, he then runs over and punches her. Once she falls over the drunk starts shouting."NOT SO TOUGH NOW ARE YOU BATMAN!". " He chuckles and shakes his head. She giggles softly."I love nun jokes~" He grins. "Maybe you'd like to hear another one?"

"Sure." She nods."Two cannibles are eating a clown, one looks at the other and asks."Does this taste funny to you?"."

"Wow, that's cheesy."

"Yeah I know, but its not as funny as this Blonde joke I know~" she grins. "How many jokes do you know?"

"ummm a lot I guess" He chuckles. She grins softly and relaxes. He smirks while she looks up.

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