Chapter One: H-hi the names Lillian

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Hi the names Lillian, Lillian Adams, I am a 16 year old girl who is currently attending Riverside High. I am also the heir to the world famous (A little too famous) company, Adams Inc. Of Course no one at the school knows about it, or I wouldn't be bullied as much, and I would be everyone's best friend. My family makes, invents, and sells a lot of stuff, such as the Brent Heir 19000, the first thing I ever invented, a pair of good quality headphones, which are quite good for a first time invention, actually apparently it's a little to good.... My parents are quite proud of me since I am a high-achieving girl at school and is almost a master at countless things, (Which I will never need), anyways enough about me for now.


Running. Running . Running.

It's all that I can do, but I'm not getting any closer.

Running. Running. Running.

I'm not going to reach, I'm not going to be able to reach!

"Lillian!" I heard someone calling my name.

Who's calling my name, I start to think after stopping running.

"Lillian!" I heard them again, but not being able to open my eyes.

"Lillian darling, please come back to us!"

Mother? What does she mean? Please come back to us?

I slowly open my eyes to find my family all around my bed, a sobbing mother, and a white ceiling.

Why am I in the hospital?  That was the first thing that came to mind.

"Lillian darling! I'm so glad you're okay!" My mother, Celia Adams, cried out. I looked at her in confusion.




Three years have past since then. Not too soon after I found out that I was kidnapped, and was found unconscious in an alleyway a few weeks later of my disappearance. That was when I was in grade eight. I am now in grade eleven, and they still don't know who the kidnapper was.  But I truly don't care, I've blocked almost all people out from my life, I've been bullied since kindergarten, and I don't care anymore, and I've recovered all of my lost memories a few months ago, I now currently go to Riverside High, a few weeks into first semester to be exact. Sadly I remember my arch-nemesis, Daniel Milburn. The meanest of the mean, the devil, the one who makes everyone's life a living hell. Unfortunately he's walking over to me and my locker. Ugh what does he want now?

"Hey if it isn't my favourite person to see! Lillian how are you today?"

"Cut to the case Daniel, what do you want?" I ask in a snarky but calm voice.

"Aw don't act like that Lillian. I only want to simply talk" He told me practically whining.

"Yeah right, now I'll ask again. What do you want?"

"You read me like a open book, I justed wanted to tell you congrats on recovering all of your memories, not. To bad maybe it would've been better if you hadn't remembered anything" with that he punched me in the stomach, making me fall to the ground, high-fiving one of his goons, and walked away, a few minutes after the bell rang to tell us to go to class.

As soon as third period ended I rushed over to my locker, grabbed my lunch, and headed over to the cafeteria. I walk over to my usual spot, that secluded corner, with cobwebs starting to appear. It's probably my safest place here in the school, other than the library and the old shut down part of the school. I actually like it here in this secluded corner, no one bothers me, besides the odd piece of expired food thrown in my direction, I'm barely ever bothered. As soon as I open my small bento box, granted I made some japanese food the night before, everyone storms inside the cafeteria. A few minutes into lunch, one of the new transfer students, whom we don't get many of, stood up and started to walk my way, with a smile on his face. He looked like one of those player jocks, he had short brown hair, a good build for many sports, overall as most girls would say he was 'hot'. Then the other two stood up, and started to follow him, one who looked like a cute emo, with black hair and paleish-blue eyes, with almost the same build as the jock, but a bit smaller, but the same height, the third one was a blonde boy with a short but shaggy haircut, and same build as the one next to him, and same height as the other two.

I quickly got up grabbing my bento box, and booked it. I didn't get tired easily due to running away from bullies all the time.

I think I got far away enough, I then lean against the wall and slide down to the floor, when all of the sudden I hear a voice not too far away,

"Hey we only wanna talk we don't wanna hurt you! Why would we be like those idiotic jerks!"

"Tristan, don't scare the girl, she's probably freaked out enough that we followed her out of the cafeteria"

"Aw c'mon Bent, Y'know I wasn't trying to scare her, I, no we just wanna talk to her" Tristan said practically whining.

I jumped up and look around for a hiding spot, and the only place visible was the janitor's closet, I quickly tip-toed over there and hid. A few minutes passed by. They have to be gone by now.... I leaned against the door and slide down the the floor, once again. then all of the sudden the door was pulled from behind me, falling backwards onto someone's feet, I looked up, to find the boy with the short dirty blonde hair looking down at me. I quickly got up and pushed past him, to find two other boys in the way, the player jock boy, (Well I really don't know that but from what he looks like, I'd say he is), then the cute emo boy, he just stood there with a blank expression, unlike the other who was smiling and holding out his hand to me, but instead of shaking hands, I used it as a stepping stool and flipped over their heads.

"W-what are you staring at?" I asked as calm as I could but didn't turn out to calm.

"Wow, all I can say is wow!" Tristan told me.

"I'm the best at all sports, out of the three of us, but even I can't do that!" The one boy whose name I hadn't found out yet said.

And 'Bent' stayed quiet with a little shock on his face.

"Well anyways, I'm Tristan, Tristan Mills, nice to meet you! The idiotic excuse of a jock over there to the left is Shawn, and the robot to the right is Bennett" Tristan said

"What the hell did you call me!?!?!?!" Shawn said while now chasing Tristan, who now was laughing, with a smirk on his face.

"Shawn, you're not making a good impression, and for one Tristan I'm not a robot" Bennett said

"Sorry, anyways yeah like the idiot over there said I'm Shawn, Shawn Dillans, nice to meet you" He smiled at me, after he stopped chasing Tristan, and then started to chase him again.

"And I'm Bennett Ross, good to meet new people now and then"

"Well we told you our names, what's your's?" Tristan asked me.

"H-hi the name's Lillian" I muttered.

"What I couldn't understand what you said?"

"H-hi the name's Lillian" I said a bit louder.

"I can't hear you!"  Tristan said quoting Captain off of SpongeBob.

"I said, my names Lillian" I said in a normal voice starting to get paranoid.

"That's much better" Shawn said, which got on my nerves.

"What do you guys what with me? You wanna punch, kick, insult me, push me around, go ahead and do it! I don't care, it happens to me all the time!" I said well practically yelled while holding back tears.

The three boys just looked at me shaking their heads, I looked at them in confusion.

Ello! How are you! If you read to here.... THANK YOU! This is my first book ever! And I'm quite happy that I got the first chapter finished, in one day with of course way too many breaks only cause I had to clean da house but whatever! Well see ya! See you soon! Once again THANK YOU! If you read this chapter! It means so much to meh! I am also my own editor cause I won't be able to have one for personal reasons so yay! Well BAI!!!! See Ya Soon!

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