suckah camp

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oops, let's say that's a typo, and that I actually meant soccer.

So the local Youth Group is hosting a little soccer not-really-daycamp-because-it's-only-2-hours-long. 

And I was sent to it.

At first I was like "crap, this sucks, i no wanna go mommy! HUH! *throws huge tantrum*"

(erm... not really)

But I went with me two sisses and we played random soccer games for 2 hours. It was sweaty. And hot.

Not that type of hot, you perverted little nonexistent potato readers. I think that's the longest thing I'm ever called you idjits. 

Shoot, iSketch is beckoning. I have to go soon.

Anyways, I think I had a video to show you...



[warning: 1D haters, buzz off for a bit, then come back and skip this part because me no want no hate (... that means I want hate, nevahmahnd)

So, over THERE *flaps arm in general direciton of the sidebar* is a video of One Direction on Jimmy Kimmel.

And over THEREEEE *continues flapping arms* is my new favourite image.

Hope you like it.

Oh right, 1D haters, you can come back now.


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