i love you... i mean hate

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i am so tired im giving up on grammr. i should brush my teeth before i die of sleepiness. dont wanna die with dirty teeth, eh, thats not good.

¸so i hate ou for now. andbtw,  asdfghjkl.

my aunt stupped by today

with her kid and husband

and i swear her child (who is about 8 months older den me) is copying harry styles

yeah that harry styles not the other one

i am confusing myself even though that wasnt very confusing

good lord i am tired

or maybe im pretending im tired jsut to bug you all

and to not use prooer grammar

because you know how im always perfect iwht my grammar


stupid thing

i dont wanna put a ¸

i just wanna go to bed

after i brush my stupid teeth

they can fall out for all i care

thats a straight_out lie

stupid ketboard not typing what i want it to type

dont blame it on me though its the keyboard fault

the fault in our stars

starships were meant to fly

flying ships and peter pan

pan and the wilda beast

beast and the beauty

beauty and the im

im goign now i swear

bye now dont die like i will

the image on the side is what i feel like

and ill do 2 quote segments next ime i update because i really dont feel like doing one now


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