First Day of School

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"Live life like if I want, I do
If I want love, I get it, get it, I get it
Fooled me twice, if I fall for you
If I go there, forget it" my alarm went off
A'Niya's Pov
Today is the first day of school. I am so not ready to see all the annoying teachers I have. But I am ready to see my friends and my boyfriend Jordan.

I am awakened by my dad telling me to get ready for school.
"A'niya wake up and get ready for school" my dad says
But I don't want to go to school dad
"I know you don't want to go to school but you have too" ~dad says
"Fine daddy"
"Go wake ur sister up A'niya" dad says
"Ok dad"
"TE'LOR WAKE YO ASS UP, there you go dad"
A'niya what I tell you about cursing in my house" says dad
"sorry dad"
"A'niya do y'all have practice today after school "
"Yes sir until 4:30 and then Tay and me both have company from 5:30-8:30 tonight because of competition which is around the corner so we'll be coming home late so don't stay up late daddy."
"Ok well I might still be at the studio still working when y'all get home just call me when y'all do get home ok"
"Yes sir"
"Well I off to the studio ok"
"Ok tell the fam I said hey"
"Well do baby girl"
"Thnks daddy"
"Your welcome now go get ready then make sure your sister is ready so y'all can get to school on time"
"Yes sir"
When dad left my room I go to my walk in closet and look for what I was going to wear ( which is in the media)
Once i'm ready I go see if Te'lor is ready. I go knock on her door.
" Hey Tay are you ready " I say
" Yeah let me grab my backpack and cheer bag" she says
"K just meet me down stairs when your done and make sure you have your bow and correct shorts and stuff cause you know how coach is" I said
"K got it" she says
Once I got my stuff I went down stairs and grabbed some toast our cook Matthew made. I grabbed my keys and waited for Tay to come down stairs. Once she comes down we leave to go to school in my Porsche.
"You ready to see Jacquees" I asked
"Yea I did miss him since he was touring this summer with uncle Chris, are you ready to see Jordan"she said
"Yea because he was in L.A. the whole summer and I couldn't talk to him like I wanted to because of tour with dada and us having practice and competition to remember" I remind her
"O yea I totally forgot we had practice and competition before we went on tour with dad" she said
Once we finally made it to the school I parked it in my spot. When we got out we saw that the guys were talking on Que's car. We got our stuff and headed over there. They  looked up at us and I looked at Tay and we smiled at each other and then at them. They got up off of Jacquees car and stood up and started walking towards us. Me and Tay took off towards them and gave them a huge hug and of course we kissed them.
"Hey baby" I said to Jordan
"Hey princess" he said
"I missed you " I said
"I missed you too " he said
"Hey Que" I said
"Hey" he said
I turn back to Jordan and ask him about his trip.
"How was your trip babe" I asked
"It as good got to do a lot of things and I got to get my princess something too" he said
"Babe you didn't have to get me anything" I said
"But I wanted to baby so close your eye's" he said
" ok" I said
"When I say open I want you to open ok" he told me
"Okay" I said
"3 2 1 open" he said
I opened my eyes and saw the most beautiful necklaces in the world.
"Jordan it's beautiful" I said
"Your about to make me cry" I told him
"Baby don't cry" he told me
"I'll try but it's so sweet of you to do that baby" I said
"Here let me put it on you" he said
I let him out it on me while Que and Tay stare in awe.
"There it's on" he said
"Thank you so much baby I truly do love it" I told him
"Anything for my princess" he said
I turn around and give him a big hug and start crying again softly and kissed him. He tells me not to cry and wipes my tears away that have dropped. And Tay told them she would take me or get cleaned up before class started. And he said ok.
"Are ok sis" Tay said
"Yea just got a little overwhelmed" I said
"Here some makeup wipes to get the mascara off of your face" she said
"Thanks what would I do with out you" I told her
"Idk" she said
Once I got cleaned up we left out of the bathroom and the guys were standing outside for us since we have some classes together. Jordan put his arm around my shoulder as we walked to my locker which is right next to his , while Tay is on the other side of me and Que was on the other side of Tay. I put my stuff in my locker n got my books that I needed for my first through second block classes. When we got there Tay and Que was already in the back and Jordan and me set right next to them.
"So who's ready for this boring ass class" I said
"Not me" Que said
"Lol Jacquess" I said
"So what y'all doing after school" Tay asked
"Idk maybe go to the studio or shout some hoops with Riley" Que said
"Maybe go play b-ball" Jordan said
"Well we got practice until 8:30 so we ain't goin to be free unless y'all want to come watch us." I said
"I can always go to the court another time" Jordan said
"If you want I can stay and watch u and sis" Que said to Tay
"Ok if you don't want to go y'all don't have to" I said
"But I want to babe" Jordan said
"Same" said Que
"Ok come by the gym at 2:00 ,but practice don't end until 4:30" Tay said
"And then we got company from 5:30-8:30"I said
Once the bell rang to start class the teacher got up and started talking about the school year.
"Can she stop talking already" I say to where only Jordan, Tay, and Que could hear me.
They laughed and Jordan whispered in my ear "I mean"
I was starting to get bored so Jordan saw me yawning and he told me that I could lay my head on his shoulder since his arm was around me so wen he said dat I fell asleep.
"Babe wake up it's time to go to second block" Jordan told me
"K thanks for waking me up babe" I told him
"What class do you have next block" Jordan asked
"I have English next block what about you" I asked
"I have math next period" he said while he walked me to my locker
"Do we have the same schedule" I asked
"I think except for two periods" he said
" isn't Jessica in that class " I said
"Yea what about hear" he said
"You know I don't like that bitch babe" I said
"I know but don't worry Que in that class" Jordan said
"Ok but if anything happens you or Que better tell me or Tay" I said
"We will babe ok" he said
"Ok let's get to class before we late" I said
"Ok let me get your books" he said
"Thanks babe" i said and kissed his cheek
Once we get to my class he gave me my books and told me he loved me and he would see me next block. Once I walked in I saw my sister sitting where we usually sit.
"hey Tay" I said
"Hey sis" she said
"I told Jo to tell Que that if Jessica tries something to tell us" I told her
"lol cause we too cute to be fighting some thot" she said
"I mean" I said
When the bell ranged the teacher stated to talking about how we have an essay in a couple of weeks. Once she got done talking she told us we could do whatever we wanted as long as we was quite so i texted Jordan.
"Hey legend" I texted (thats his real nickname in real life)
"Hey babe" he said
"What you doin over der" i asked
"Nothing talking to Que" he sent bck
"Tell him i said hey" i said
"Ok he said hey" he said
"Well ill see yall next block" i said
"ok" he said
"Love you" i said
"Love you too" he sent bck
"Love u mre" i said
"Not in a million years babe"he said
"Yeah right tlk to later" I said
"ok" he sent
I turned to tay since i was now bored.....
"You must be texting Que" i said
" Yea" she said
"lol i just got done talking to jordan" i said
"When do we leave" she asked
"In a minute or two"i said
Right when i said dat the bell rang. Tay and me both got our stuff and left after everybody else. once we were outside the classroom we saw Que and Jordan standing next to their classroom door, and of course the devil herself had to be all up on my man talking to him like he didnt have no girl. Tay saw my face and so did Que. So he tapped Jordan and once he saw me his face lit up. So me and Tay walked over there i said hey to Que and then turned toward Jordan. When i did he wrapped his arm around my shoulder while i wrapped my arm around his back and kissed his cheek.
" Hey baby" I said
"Hey princess" he said
"You ready to go" i asked him
" Yea lets go" he said
" Oh i didnt see you there Jessica" i said
Que, Tay, and Jordan heard me and started laughing.
"what so funny Jacquess and Te'lor" that bitch asked
"My sister and her man can laugh at anything they want even if its about you" i said
"Was i talking to rat" Jessica said
"Who you calling a rat i hope your talkinfg about yourself" i saod
"So your going to let her talk about me like that jordan" she said
"Yeah y wouldnt i she my girl and plus i dont like ur ass anyway annoying ass bitch" he said
"Well good by talk to never queen Thot" I said
Now everybody in rthe hallway was laughing at her.

End of the Day...

So everything was going great until it came around when me and tay had cheer practice. (see video up top)
We was doing our halftime routine for the football game this Friday when i look up and see Jessica again all over Jordan while him and Que was watching us practice. So it came time for me and tay to do our cartwheel roundoff back handspring full layout twist. Before we did that Que got Jordan attention and told him to look in the far right hand corner of the mat once he saw us i waved and me and tay did our layout twist.
"Did you know that they could do that" Jordan asked Que
"No did you" Que asked
"No" he said
Once we got done with the routine i called a break so everyone could catch there breath.
"Hey baby" I said to Jordan
"Hey Princess i aint know yall could do dat" he said
"After 5years of me being on the cheersquad u never noticed" i asked
"Nope" he said
"Well i guess you still learn something about me everyday huh" i said
"I guess so" he said
Once we got done with the routine and we rolled up the mats we changed and sat in the bleachers and watched the basketball team practice until school ended. Before we set down Jordan and Que came and gave me and tay a kiss and told us to wait for them after practice and we said ok. Once we got n the bleachers we set with the squad and talked about stuff until the bell rang to leave we the bell rang we told the girls that we would see them tomorrow at school. When they left we waited for the guys like they asked and when we werent paying attention tey came upp behind us and scared the shit out of us.
"Really Jordan" i said
"sorry babe" he said and kissed my cheek
"srry babe" Que said to Tay
"Yall lucky we didnt hit yall" we said
Once they was ready we headed towards the parking lot when we got there the walked us to our car and talked to us before we went home and left to go to company.
"Text us wen yall get home" they said
"ok" we said
"well text yall wen we get home from practice to ok" i said
"ok" they said
Once we got in our car we were off to the house to drop our stuff off

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