Concert Day part2

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Aniya's Pov

So it's day 2 of our dads concert but now we r back n our home town Nola. Since we were at our dads house in Nola we decided while Tay n I wait for our dad to wake up we started to do our choreography that we mad to our uncle Chris n one of our bestfriends zendaya's song "Something New".

Once we were in our dance room which is 2 doors down from our dads room Tay had to go get her Aux cord that was in her room n hooked it up to the sound system that was in the our studio.
"Hey sis u ready to practice the dance" I said
"Yeah hold on let me hook up my phone to to sound system sis" She said
"Ok" I said
"You know wat would be funny if we turned it all the way up to wear dad could hear it in his room n would wake him up since he doesn't like us turning up the sound system" Tay said
"Let's do it" I said
Once Tay turned the song on we turned it up enough to where it wouldn't hurt our ears but to where it would wake up our dad.
"A'niya & Te'lor Alsina turn dat shit down now or no phones for the rest of the tour" dad said
"Oh shit go turn it down Tay" I said
Once we saw our dad walk in to the door we new we was n trouble.
"Girls really how many times do i have to tell u not to turn the music up that loud " Dad said
"Sorry dad we just didnt want to hear u snoring so loud" Tay said
"Its ok but next time it happenes yall r going to be in deep deep trouble understand" Dad said
"Yes sir" we said
After he walked out tay went to go press play so we cn practice our dance routine for tonights show.
Tay's pov
"So r u ready for the performance tonight Niya" I said
"Yeah just scared that i might mess up on my part in the begging with Jordan thats all"she said
"You'll do fine we've practice ever since dad told us we was going on tour with him" I said
"Truu but still think about it 10,000,000 fans watching me its kinda hard sis" she said
"I understand dat but pretend its just u n Jordan out there like yall do in practice 24/7 at home n i promise you you'll have nothing to worry about"I said
"I guess ur right but question where r the guys at this morning since they was suppose to practice with us" She said
"I think they r in the gym working out with dad i guess" I said
"I'll call dad n c" she said
(TD- Tay's Dad)
(T- Tay)
TD- yes A'Niya
T- umm is Que n Jordan in the gym with u
TD- umm yes do u need them
T- yes there supposed to be upstairs with me n A'Niya practicing for tonight
TD- ok ill send them up
T- thanks daddy oh n A'Niya said hey n she loves u
TD- really i just saw yall tell her i said love u to
T- ok bye daddy
TD- ok bye baby girl
"So hes sending them up n he said love u to even though u just saw him" I said
"LOL ok" she said
"Baby sorry we forgot we had to practice with yall" Que said
"Really i told u yesterday Que dat we had practice" I said
"Same for u Jordan" A'Niya said
"Im sorry to baby " Jordan said to A'Niya
"Its kool but it better not happen again" We both said

A'Niyas Pov
"Baby u know i love u n i wouldnt forget on purpose" Jordan said
"Ik but still u forgot n u  know I'm already scared to perform in front of 10,000,000 people in my first solo performance at my dads concert with u before everyone comes on stage baby " I said
"Baby y r u so scared ill be right there next to you the whole entire time ok so theres nothing to be scared about i got u baby ok i got u" Jordan says n kisses u
"Ok love birds lets get back to practice" Tay said
"Oh hush yall aint no better" I said
"W.e. A'Niya" Tay said
"Just go press play Tay so we can practice" I said

Once Tay pressed play we got in to our places n me n Jordan did our part n once we got done Tay n Que joined us on the part . Close to the end of the song this is where everybody free styles n me n Tay start doing or on thing while Jordan n Que watches us n amazement to what we was doing . Once the song ended they just looked at us like we was crazy so me n Tay just started laughing.

"What yall looking at" Tay said
"We looking at yall"Que said
"Where yall learn how to do dat shit" Jordan said
"We taught our self there still stuff we didn't tell yall about us so sorry baby"I said
"Niya lets go change so we can head to the tour bus so we can go to the venue n do mic checks n practice on the stage with everybody" Tay said
"Ok here I come, by baby c u once we get changed k" I said
"Ok love u" Jordan said
"Love u too" I said

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