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First of all I would like to give thanks to FanfictionsCentral and hope_forever_18. They inspired me to write this because they each have created their own hunger games TMNT style. Go read their versions. You'll love it. I did.

If you can't handle blood, language or gore I suggest you don't read this. Their will be some gruesome scenes and heartbreak. You don't have to see or read the hunger games. Nothing will be spoiled except for some things but only about how the hunger games actually work.

This is really important so please pay attention. Don't add your OC if your going to be upset if him/her dies. That's just how the games work. 24 go in 1 comes out.

I will need this form to be very descriptive. A few sentences won't count.

This is what you need in your form.

Characters full name:
Age: ( Must be 12-18. You can't be younger or older)
Appearance: ( must be very descriptive. You can also send me a picture. You can PM me or Kik me. My kik is Alannisnicoletmnt or Galaxy Emerald Saki)
Personality: ( Must be descriptive as well!)
Weapons: ( one main weapon)
( you have any family members or pets?)
( Have any special skills or abilities?)
* any other important information I may have missed.
The district you want to be in and your other fellow OC Incase their not going in the same district.

These are the available spots!

District 1~Luxury:
• Marcus Milandro{ Owned by me}

District 2~Masonry:

District 3~Technology:
• Sparks Donatello

District 4~ Fishing:

District 5~ Power and Electricity:

District 6~ Transportation:

District 7~ Lumber:
• Stone Raphael

District 8~ Textile/Clothing:

District 9~Grain:
• Casey Jones

District 10~Livestock:
• Akers Michelangelo

District 11~Agriculture:
• Elena Mellark

District 12~coal mining:
• Hamato Leonardo
• Evelina ' Rowan' Hamato {Owned by me}

You are only allowed to put two of your Oc's. Their may be some romance. I don't know. We'll see. Let's see who gets in the games.

And may the odds be ever in your favor!

The Hunger Games ( TMNT Style)Where stories live. Discover now