District 11

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A dark skinned Latina girl watched as the sun slowly set over District 11. A heavy sigh escaped her lips. Her short blonde and black hair blew in the breeze. Her tall figure's silhouette could be seen from the ground below. Madison waited until her parents had went to bed before she went back in her home.

' They won't accept me. All because I
I'm not straight. They want me to change my mind about it. But I can't. I can't change who I am' Madison thought to herself. Her brown eyes slowly scanned the area. The district's buildings lights were slowly turning off one by one. Her eyes stopped at her own home. The lights still remained. Madison would do anything to avoid her parents. She is sure they haven't seen each other all month. The lights soon turned off along with the sound of a door closing. Madison sighed deeply and jumped down the tall tree she perched on. She quickly ran to get some rest. So she can be ready for the Reaping.

A small 12 year old girl ran by Madison. She ran home quickly and panted heavily. Her blonde long hair blew in the wind. Her older brother, Tyler ran next to her. Both siblings ran home.

" We're so late Elena!" Tyler said while running faster. Elena panted and ran faster.

" I know that Tyler! That's your fault!" She snapped her. Her baby blue eyes stared into his deep ocean blue eyes.

" I didn't know we we're gonna be late!" He snapped. Both siblings growled at each other.

" This is going no where. Now let's get home. We have to get ready for tomorrow" Tyler said. A shiver ran down Elena's spine. Now she was old enough to enter the reaping. Tyler noticed and hugged his little sister. Elena hugged the 14 year old.

" It's okay Elena. I promise it's gonna be okay" He whispered. Elena nodded and wiped her eyes. Tyler smiled and ruffled her hair. Elena laughed lightly and smiled. Tyler grabbed the younger girls hand and ran home. Elena smiled and ran with him.

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