chapter 8

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school went by excruciatingly slowly. i was so excited to be done with school and be on the field that i didn’t pay attention to any of my classes. Thank god i didn’t have any tests today, i would surely fail them.

i’m currently in the girls locker room changing. i already have my shorts and shirt on. i take off my sandals and toss them in my locker and grab my cleats, chin guards and socks. i lock my locker and walk over to the bench closest to me. i slip on my chin guards and socks then my cleats.

i’m about to walk out of the locker room when i realize that i forgot my soccer bag. i jog back to my locker and grab my bag then head out. by the time i’m out of the locker room, all the guys are out already. i drop my bag to the floor, take my inhaler and begin stretching.

everyone is just staring at me.  i guess they didn’t get the memo. mason walks over to me with a questioning look. “does this have anything to do with why you got called to the principals and why you’ve been so happy today?”

Mason begged me to tell him what happened during lunch but my reply was always the same ‘you’ll find out later’. so mason has no clue what's going on.

i just smirked and shrugged. he playfully pushed and glared at me. i just giggled in response.

i didn’t even realize that coach was here until he began to speak. “ Listen up! unfortunately, as you all know, jake will not be able to pay with us this season. therefore, i regret to inform you that chrissy will be joining us. you are to call her chris. and she will be treated like a guy. she will not be getting any special treatment for being a weak female.”

my jaw dropped. did he actually say that? ‘i regret to inform you...’ how rude. ‘weak human...’ what the hell crawled up his ass and died?  i didn’t mind the team calling me chris. almost everyone calls me that. i doubt he knew that and made them call me chris just to irritate me. i tried to come up with a witty comment but failed to do so. i was still in shock. i thought that since i was part of the team, he would show a little respect to me but i guess not.

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